Fire Chief Discussion on Selectmen’s Agenda Tonight

The Board of Selectmen will hold a regularly scheduled meeting tonight at 6:45pm at Town Hall, 2nd Floor. You may also watch the meeting on HCAM-TV (Comcast 8 / Verizon 30 / Streaming The public comment period is scheduled at the beginning of the meeting. Click here to view the agenda.
At approximately 7:10pm the Board will consider approving Town Manager and Interim Fire Chief Contracts. And at approximately 8:50pm the Board will discuss the re-posting of the Fire Chief position. Please see the following articles from the Metrowest Daily News for more information:
- Hopkinton selectmen pick interim fire chief, reopen search by Jonathan Phelps 12-15-15
- Hopkinton residents criticize fire chief search by Jonathan Phelps 12-25-15
Some of the other topics on the agenda include:
- 8:00pm – Public Hearing on Bill’s Pizza’s Application for an “All Alcohol” License
- 9:30pm – FY17 Capital Project Requests for Town & Schools
Contact info for the Selectmen and Town Manager: