5th Annual “Know Your Vote” 4/24 at 6:30 PM at the High School

In preparation for Annual Town Meeting, eHop (educate • engage • empower | Hopkinton) in conjunction with the Town of Hopkinton, will hold its 5th Annual “Know Your Vote” forum on Monday, April 24 at 6:30-8:30 pm in the Hopkinton High School library. The forum will be broadcast on HCAM-TV (Comcast 8/Verizon 30) and streamed on Facebook Live at facebook.com/eHop01748. This is your chance to get the answers you need from town officials before Town Meeting.
A few key issues to be voted on at this year’s Annual Town Meeting include a temporary moratorium on non-medical marijuana establishments, traffic calming measures on Hayden Rowe ($1M), a feasibility study to renovate or replace Elmwood School ($600K), and additional funds to begin the construction of an athletic facility on Fruit Street ($400K). Read the full 2017 Annual Town Meeting Warrant. There are 63 articles on the warrant this year.
Come join the conversation and learn about the potential impact of these and other important votes. You can also submit questions in advance to knowyourvote@eHop01748.org or on facebook.com/eHop01748 or by using the hashtag #HopTM17.
Panelists will include Town Moderator Thomas J. Garabedian, Town Manager Norman Khumalo, Superintendent of Schools Cathy MacLeod, Selectmen Chair Brian Herr, School Committee Chair Lori Nickerson, Planning Board Chair Ken Weismantel, Town Planner Elaine Lazarus, and Director of Youth and Family Services Denise Hildreth.
eHop (ehop.org) is a Hopkinton based 501(c)(4) nonprofit whose mission is to provide timely and factual information about key town matters with the goal of increasing government transparency and fostering civic engagement.
Important Info:
Annual Town Meeting begins Monday, May 1 at 7:00pm in the Middle School Auditorium. It generally stops at 11:00pm and is continued on consecutive evenings until the full warrant is voted. Town Meeting typically lasts 2-4 nights.