Weekly News Roundup – 8/18/19

Vacancies on the Planning Board and Zoning Advisory Committee • HPS Enrollment Exceeds Projections • EEE Risk Raised to Critical • Greyhound Friends Updates • New HHS Athletic Director • Legacy Farms North Bus Situation
Planning Board Vacancy
The Planning Board currently has one vacancy (due to the recent resignation of Patrick Atwell) and the Town is seeking candidates for the position. The term of office will expire at the May, 2020 election. Apply online by August 27. https://ehop.org/2019/08/planning-board-vacancy/
Zoning Advisory Committee Vacancy
The Zoning Advisory Committee (ZAC) still has one At Large Member spot and up to 5 Associate Member spots available. Contact the Principal Planner to apply. https://ehop.org/2019/07/zoning-advisory-committee-zac-vacancies/
HPS Enrollment Continues to Grow, Now Exceeding Recent Projections
Enrollment Update: At the August 15, 2019 Hopkinton School Committee Meeting, the Superintendent updated the public with the latest enrollment numbers. As of August 15, there are currently 3,864 students expected this fall in grades PreK-12 (this includes enrolled students and students who have begun the pre-enrollment process). These numbers have now exceeded the December 2018 NESDEC projections by 65 Students, and enrollment may continue to rise throughout the school year. https://ehop.org/2019/07/hps-enrollment-continues-to-grow-inline-with-the-latest-projections/
Community Notice: EEE Risk Raised to Critical
On Friday, August 16, 2019, a human case of Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) was confirmed in a young adult resident of Grafton, Massachusetts. In response, the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MADPH) has raised the EEE risk rating in Hopkinton (and several other towns), to Critical. With the Critical Risk designation, municipal and community leadership are recommended to cancel or reschedule outdoor gatherings, organized sporting events, etc. to avoid peak mosquito hours (dusk to dawn). Residents are urged to utilize insect repellent, wear protective clothing and also reduce out of doors activities between dusk and dawn. http://www.hcam.tv/news/community-notice-eee-risk-raised-critical
Greyhound Friends Updates
- 8/14/19: Greyhound Friends Gets New License in Hopkinton but Opponents Are Not Backing Down https://www.metrowestdailynews.com/news/20190814/greyhound-friends-gets-new-license-in-hopkinton-but-opponents-arent-backing-down
- 8/13/19: HopNews reports that Greyhound Friends Passes Inspection by Deputy Police Chief Bennett — Town Clerk Issues License https://www.hopkintonnews.com/
- At Town Meeting 2019 voters approved amended Kennel Bylaws. See link below for info on the Application, Inspection, Suspension and Revocation process. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bCm2c3rOBLznjvcn5SHzG1X0Rv86okuv/view
New Hopkinton High School Athletic Director
Hopkinton High School has hired former Foxborough High School A.D. Rich Cormier to take over as Athletic Director. http://www.hcam.tv/news/hopkinton-high-school-hires-new-athletic-director
Legacy Farms North Road Bus Situation
The Planning Board recommended accepting the road before construction is complete with contingencies from the developer to allow the buses to drive down, but Public Works Director John Westerling advised against it. https://hopkinton.wickedlocal.com/news/20190813/legacy-farms-presents-another-challege-in-hopkinton-unsafe-bus-stop