Weekly Roundup – Town Meeting Edition – 12/15/19

Video: Hopkinton Special Town Meeting Recap • Community Notice: Board of Health Appoints Public Health Nurse • Hopkinton Town Meeting shoots down measure to stop Main Street corridor project • Looking to get involved in Hopkinton? Town Notice of Board and Committee Vacancies • Special Town Meeting Results 2019-12-09 (unofficial)
Video: Hopkinton Special Town Meeting Recap
Over 700 voters were in attendance for a Special Town Meeting that took place on Monday December 9th due to a citizens petition. Six articles were on the docket, Article 1 was the citizens petition which served the purpose of attempting to stop the Main Street Corridor Project. The article looked to rescind the vote of Article 47 from the 2018 Annual Town Meeting which allowed the Town to utilize or negotiate for easements as part of the project. The group who filed the Citizens Petition called the Main Street Alliance spoke first. Joe Markey then had a chance to present his side as a representative from the group of residents supporting the project. Dozens of citizens stepped up to the mic to state their beliefs.
Community Notice: Board of Health Appoints Public Health Nurse
“It is with great pleasure that the Board of Health and I inform you that Kasey Mauro has accepted the position of Public Health Nurse for the Town of Hopkinton Health Department.”
“The nursing program will continue to evolve as the Department receives its State and Federal certifications. Town staff and I congratulate Kasey on her hire and look forward to the health and wellness contributions she is certain to provide to the residents of Hopkinton.”
-Shaun McAuliffe, Health Director, Town of Hopkinton
Hopkinton Town Meeting shoots down measure to stop Main Street corridor project
The long-awaited and controversial Main Street corridor project will move forward.
This week, Town Meeting shot down a petition article authored by the Main Street Alliance – a group of vocal opponents of the project – that would have rescinded a May 2018 Town Meeting vote allowing the Select Board to acquire easements for the $15 million project. The article also called for the board to discontinue the entire project. That that portion of the measure was removed during Monday’s Town Meeting.
The petition article failed on a 504-278 vote.
Looking to get involved in Hopkinton? Town Notice of Board and Committee Vacancies
Board or committee qualifications: Open to all Hopkinton residents.
Special Town Meeting Results 2019-12-09 (unofficial)
Special Town Meeting ended at 11:28 PM after all 6 articles were voted including the Main Street Corridor project, High school expansion and Street acceptance for North Legacy Farm road.