Planning Board Actions Taken 2/10/20

Planning Board Actions Taken 2/10/20

Agenda Items & Actions Taken (unofficial):

  1. Administrative Items
    1. Proposed Town Meeting Articles
      1. Car Washes in BD District – Voted to Move Article Forward to the Public Hearing on March 9, 2020
    2. Approval Not Required – 149 Hayden Rowe – The Hayden Rowe Realty Trust – Approved
    3. Minutes of January 13, 2020; January 27, 2020 – Not Yet Approved

Business to be considered by the Board at any time during the meeting:

  • Legacy Farms Road/East Main Street Traffic Light (3/23 Deadline)
  • Legacy Farms Road North Street Acceptance
  • Lumber Street/West Main Street improvements
  • Legacy Farms North (Section formerly known as Rafferty Road) – Discussion about disrepair
  • Main Street Downtown Corridor discussion
  • Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness and Climate Change discussion
  • Future agenda items, correspondence

Materials for this Meeting:

General Planning Board Links: