Planning Board Actions Taken 08/10/20

Agenda Items & Actions Taken (unofficial):
1. Administrative Items
a. Zoning Articles for Town Meeting All approved unanimously.
- Amend Article XIX, Nonconforming Lots, Uses and Structures, Section 210-128, to allow for a waiver issued by the Zoning Enforcement Officer for certain uses that do not alter the footprint or overall height of a pre-existing nonconforming structure.
- Modify Article XVI, Wireless Telecommunications Facilities, in order to bring the regulations current with Federal wireless telecommunications regulations.
- iii. Modify Article XVIII, Supplementary Regulations, Section 210-126, to remove the requirement that occupants of Accessory Dwelling Units be family “related by blood, marriage or adoption”, to remove the requirement for an interior connection, and to remove the age-restricted provision.
- Modify Article VIA, Downtown Business (BD) District, Section 210-20.3, to remove “car washes” as a use allowed by Special Permit.
- Amend Article VIIIA, Industrial B (IB) District, Section 210-37.9, to correct the numbering so as to be consistent with the rest of the Zoning Bylaw.
b. Board Appointments
- Zoning Advisory Committee – Mary Larson-Marlowe, Jim Ciriello, Madhumitha Chandrasekar appointed – one open seat remains.
- Design Review Board – Jeanette Thomson, Jeffrey Doherty, Deb Fein-Brug, Sue-Ellen Stoddard, Ria McNamara, Amy Ritterbusch (alternate), and Greg Maze (alternate) appointed.
- Growth Committee vacancy at a future meeting the Planning Board to fill seat vacated by Amy Ritterbusch who has moved roles to Select Board Liaison
- Open position on the Planning Board will be filled at a joint meeting with the Select Board on Tuesday, August 18 at 6:25 PM
c. Master Plan Implementation/Action Items – assigned action items and continued to September 28th
2. Approval Not Required – Leonard Street – Wall Street Development Corp. Proposal to subdivide three lots on Leonard Street. Withdrawn without prejudice
3. Continued Public Hearings – Bucklin St. & Leonard St. – 1) Stormwater Management Permit; 2) Petition to Construct a Paper Street – Wall Street Development Corp. Proposal to construct a paper street entitled “Bucklin Street”; Proposal to construct four (4) single-family homes with driveways, utilities and associated grading. A stormwater management permit is required because the project will result in land disturbance of one acre or more and it is not a “subdivision.” Continued to September 28th
Materials for this Meeting:
Related News Articles:
Read “Leonard Street development plan to be resubmitted after snag with Planning Board” on the Hopkinton Independent’s website.