Weekly News Update – 12/26/2021

Main Street Corridor Project – Weekly Update • COVID-19 Updates & Precautions • New Health Department Vaccine Clinic Calendar • Hopkinton High was first in the state to drop mask mandate. Now it’s back on • Massachusetts Residents Encouraged to Plan Ahead For the Shutdown of 3G Cellular Networks • Planning Board votes to allow Foxhollow developer to eliminate stone wall
Main Street Corridor Project – Weekly Update
What to Expect for the Week of December 27, 2021 to December 31, 2021
- Suspending operations – No construction work
- Delivery of Electric Materials
RELATED: Live Construction Video Feeds are available for the Main Street Corridor Project, check where crews are working and traffic / weather conditions before you leave your home or office.
COVID-19 Updates & Precautions
Hopkinton continues to see an uptick in the number of positive cases, reporting over 100 new active cases within the past 48 hours.
For the first time since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, Hopkinton has over 225 active cases. Sadly, this trend is not unique to Hopkinton, as we are seeing cases surge across MetroWest, Massachusetts, and across the Country.
Latest Updates includes:
- Hopkinton moves to remote only public meetings
- Mask Advisory for Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Residents
New Health Department Vaccine Clinic Calendar
The Hopkinton Health Department is pleased to release a new calendar showing upcoming vaccine clinics and information on how to register for an appointment.
Hopkinton High was first in the state to drop mask mandate. Now it’s back on
Hopkinton High School — the first Massachusetts public school to allow students to forgo masks — has reversed its position amid a rise in COVID-19 cases.
Last Thursday, the Hopkinton School Committee voted 3-2 to reinstate mandatory mask-wearing at the school. Members Nancy Cavanaugh, Lya Batlle-Rafferty and Amanda Fargiano supported the move while Joe Markey and Meg Tyler opposed it.
Massachusetts Residents Encouraged to Plan Ahead For the Shutdown of 3G Cellular Networks
Hopkinton wants to ensure residents are aware of the FCC’s planned phase out of 3G cellular networks.
You can find more information here:
Hopkinton Fire Department Shares Holiday Fire Safety Tips For Decorating This Season
Chief William Miller and the Hopkinton Fire Department would like to provide community members with important fire prevention tips for decorating this holiday season.
According to the NFPA, nearly one in five Christmas tree fires were started by decorative lights. To prevent your tree from catching on fire, the Hopkinton Fire Department offers the following tips.
Planning Board votes to allow Foxhollow developer to eliminate stone wall
At Monday’s Planning Board meeting, the board voted unanimously that a subdivision developer is within their rights to eliminate plans to reconstruct a 400-foot stone wall behind three homes in the Foxhollow Road development off Pond Street.
Planning Board Chair Gary Trendel said he was more concerned with procedure than anything else.
Board discusses design standards
Following the Foxhollow public meeting, the board had discussions about making a proposal to the Community Preservation Committee for affordable housing as well as looking at possible changes to subdivision design standards.