Town Meeting List of Articles with Details

Town Meeting List of Articles with Details

Note: Most Votes require a Simple Majority, unless noted below.


ARTICLE: 1 Acceptance of Town Reports; Sponsor: Select Board


ARTICLE: 2 FY 2022 Supplemental Appropriations and Transfers; Sponsor: Town Manager
Motion to (1) transfer the sum of $560,000 from Certified Free Cash to the FY2022 Snow and Ice Control Budgets; (2) $30,323 from Certified Free Cash to the FY 2022 Fire Department Operating Budget.

ARTICLE: 3 Unpaid Bills from Prior Fiscal Years; Sponsor: Town Manager – 4/5ths Majority Required
Motion to transfer from Certified Free Cash the sum of $3,253.19 for the following bills incurred in a previous year, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 44, Section 64 of the Massachusetts General Laws, as follows:

FinanceMassachusetts Association of Assessing Officers$175.00
Parks and RecVerizon$545.67
PoliceHillerā€™s Cleaners$445.75


ARTICLE: 4 Set the Salary of Elected Officials; Sponsor: Select Board
Motion to fix the salary of the elected Town Clerk for the Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 2022, at $75,732.81.

ARTICLE: 5 Fiscal Year 2023 Operating Budget; Sponsor: Town Manager
Motion that the Town vote to appropriate:

$100,099,363to the General Fund; and
$242,724to the Community Preservation Fund; and
$2,092,300to the Sewer Enterprise Fund; and
$2,062,265to the Water Enterprise Fund

for a total of $104,496,652 for the purposes itemized and described in the FY 2023 Operating Budget of the Town, in the amounts set forth in the APPROPRIATION COMMITTEE REPORT for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2022, in the column titled ā€œAppropriation Committee Recommendations,ā€ said sums to be spent under the direction of the respective Town officers, Boards, and Committees, and that amounts appropriated be raised as follows:

Transfers from available funds:
Ambulance Receipts Reserved$550,000
Title V$64,458
Bond Premiums$41,015
Transfers from available funds$655,473
Local Receipts, Intergovernmental
Revenue and Tax Levy$99,443,890
GENERAL FUND$100,099,363
Transfers from available funds, as recommended by the Community Preservation Committee:
CPC Undesignated Fund Balance$208,755
Recreation Reserve$33,969
FY2023 Sewer Enterprise Fund Revenue
Indirect Costs to be raised from the FY2023 Sewer Enterprise Fund revenues, appropriated in the General Fund$324,382
FY2023 Water Enterprise Revenue
Indirect costs to be raised from the FY2023 Water Enterprise Fund revenues, appropriated in the General Fund$432,973

ARTICLE: 6 Establish Shared Housing Services Office Revolving Fund; Sponsor: Town Manager

ARTICLE: 7 FY 2023 Revolving Funds Spending Limits; Sponsor: Town Manager

Revolving FundSpending Limit for FY22
Building Department$300,000
Part-Time Wire Inspector$100,000
Part-Time Plumbing Inspector$100,000
Hazardous Materials$20,000
Conservation Commission$200,000
Public Safety$5,000
Planning Board$70,000
Open Space Preservation Commission$10,000
Youth and Family Services Department$4,000
Zoning Board of Appeals$50,000
Department of Public Works (Expenses of operation of the Highway Division.)$8,000
Department of Public Works (Expenses of operation of Recycling Center)$15,000
Department of Public Works (To purchase Overflow Trash bags and to meet expenses of Waste Collection and Disposal)$8,000
Cemetery Commission$3,500
Cemetery Lot Fund$10,000
School Department 1:1 Laptop Initiative$475,000
Fingerprinting Fund$500
Senior Center Programs Fund$75,000
Police Department$10,000
Parks and Recreation$130,000
Shared Housing Services Office$125,000

ARTICLE: 8 Establish MGL Ch. 44, Ā§ 53FĀ¾ PEG Access and Cable Related Fund Account; Sponsor: Town Manager

ARTICLE: 9 PEG Access and Cable Related Fund Revolving Account Funding; Sponsor: Town Manager
Motion that the Town vote to transfer $346,947 from Certified Free Cash to the PEG Access and Cable Related Fund Revolving Account, and, further, to appropriate $346,947 from said Fund to support public, educational, or governmental access cable television services.

ARTICLE: 10 Revoke HCAM Enterprise Fund; Sponsor: Town Manager

ARTICLE: 11 Authorized/Unissued Debt Rescindment; Sponsor: Town Manager
Motion that the Town vote to rescind authorized and unissued debt for projects that are no longer necessary, or do not require additional funding.

ARTICLE: 12 Chapter 90 Highway Funds; Sponsor: Town Manager
Motion that the Town vote to appropriate $646,229 from the proceeds due to the Town pursuant to Chapter 90 of the
Massachusetts General Laws for the purposes of repair, construction, maintenance and preservation of the Townā€™s roads and bridges, the acquisition of easements and other interests in real property related to the laying out of ways, and other related costs, which qualify under the State Aid Highway Guidelines adopted by the Massachusetts Department of Transportation.

ARTICLE: 13 Authorize Petition for Special Legislation for Limited Means Tested Sewer and Water User Discounts; Sponsor: Town Manager

ARTICLE: 14 Transfer to Other Post-Employment Benefits Liability Trust Fund; Sponsor: Town Manager
Motion that the Town vote to $420,250 from Certified Free Cash to be credited to the Other Post-Employment Benefits Liability Trust Fund.

ARTICLE: 15 Transfer to the General Stabilization Fund; Sponsor: Town Manager
Motion that the Town take no action.

ARTICLE: 16 Transfer to the Capital Expense Stabilization Fund; Sponsor: Town Manager
Motion that the Town take no action.

ARTICLE: 17 Create School Special Education Reserve Fund; Sponsor: Select Board

ARTICLE: 18 Transfer to the School Special Education Reserve Fund; Sponsor: Select Board
Motion that the Town vote to
(1) raise and appropriate the sum of $179,175. And
(2) transfer $914,849 from Certified Free Cash together a sum of $1,094,024 for the purpose of funding the School Special Education Reserve Fund.


ARTICLE: 19 Pay-As-You-Go Capital Expenses; Sponsor: Town Manager

ItemPurchase or ProductDepartmentAmountTo be spent under the direction of
1High School Auditorium Stage and LightingSchool Department$325,000School Superintendent
2Districtwide Computer Network SwitchesSchool Department$75,000School Superintendent
3School Wetlands Order of Conditions ā€“ Restoration of Wetlands (Add to ATM 2018, Art. 14)School Department$60,000School Superintendent
4End User Computer Hardware RenewalTechnology
$66,750Town Manager
5Datacenter Upgrades and RedundancyTechnology
$58,000Town Manager
6Videoconferencing UpdatesTechnology
$22,390Town Manager
7Electronic Document Management SystemTechnology Department$70,000Town Manager
8Public Safety Radio System Feasibility StudyCommunications Department$100,000Town Manager
9Police Patrol Cruiser Replacement (3)Police
$180,000Town Manager
10Fire Station Roof HVAC Replacement, Add to ATM 2017 Art. 20Facilities Department$252,000Town Manager
11Police Station Roof Replacement Cost GrowthFacilities Department$187,000Town Manager
12Police Station Mechanical System UpgradesFacilities Department$96,000Town Manager
13Senior Center Dining Facility Expansion – DesignFacilities Department$35,000Town Manager
14Center School Reuse DesignFacilities Department$100,000Town Manager
15Street Sweeper (S-23) ReplacementPublic Works Department$270,000Town Manager
16Sidewalk Replacement, Walcott StreetPublic Works Department$45,000Town Manager
17Super Duty Pickup/Dump Truck ReplacementPublic Works Department$86,000Town Manager
18Tree Truck, Add to ATM 2019, Art. 20Public Works Department$100,000Town Manager

ARTICLE: 20 Water Tank Cleaning; Sponsor: Director of Public Works and Town Manager $50,000

ARTICLE: 21 Vehicle Replacement; Sponsor: Director of Public Works and Town Manager $60,000

ARTICLE: 22 MWRA Connection Design Work; Sponsor: Director of Public Works and Town Manager $1,300,000

ARTICLE: 23 PFAS Filtration System – Well #6; Sponsor: Director of Public Works and Town Manager $600,000

ARTICLE: 24 Fruit Street Well Facility Roof Replacement; Sponsor: Director of Public Works and Town Manager $40,000

ARTICLE: 25 Fire Engine 2 Replacement; Sponsor: Fire Chief and Town Manager – 2/3rds Majority Required $736,318

ARTICLE: 26 Woodville Fire Station Repair Work; Sponsor: Fire Chief and Town Manager – 2/3rds Majority Required $400,000

ARTICLE: 27 Air Handling Unit Replacement; Sponsor: School Committee – 2/3rds Majority Required $475,000

ARTICLE: 28 Fruit Street Turf Field Replacement; Sponsor: Park and Recreation Commission – 2/3rds Majority Required
(1) $400,000 from the Parks and Recreation Fruit Street 53 E1/2 Account. And
(2) $1,271,543 to be borrowed
Together a total sum of $1,671,543

ARTICLE: 29 Marathon School Addition Cost Increase; Sponsor: School Committee – 2/3rds Majority Required $695,900

ARTICLE: 30 Lake Maspenock Dam Area Repair Work; Sponsor: Town Manager – 2/3rds Majority Required $400,000


ARTICLE: 31 Community Preservation Funds; Sponsor: Community Preservation Committee
Motion that the Town vote to reserve from the Community Preservation annual revenues in the amounts recommended by the Community Preservation Committee for Committee sponsored projects and expenses in fiscal year 2023, with each item to be considered a separate reservation:

From FY 2023 estimate revenues for Recreation Reserve$175,315
From FY 2023 estimated revenues for Historic Resources Reserve$175,315
From FY 2023 estimated revenues for Community Housing Reserve$175,315
From FY 2023 estimated revenues for Open Space Reserve$175,315
From FY 2023 estimated revenues for Budgeted Reserve$1,051,890

ARTICLE: 32 Community Preservation Recommendations; Sponsor: Community Preservation Committee

A$23,000from funds reserved for Community Housing for a Shared Housing Services Office for Affordable Housing.Simple Majority
B$20,000from funds reserved for Historical Preservation for restoration and digital archive of town records as the Historical Commission voted that the records are a Historic Resources.Simple Majority
C$18,000from funds reserved for Recreation Funds for drainage improvements and stone dust trail surface for the Middle School Cross Country Course.Simple Majority
D$15,000from funds reserved for Undesignated Funds for construction of parking on Pond Street for the Town Forest and Cameron Woods Open Space property.Simple Majority
ENot Recommended by CPC per the request of the UCTCA sum or sums of money from Undesignated funds for engineering and construction documents for the Campus Connector Trail Segments 5 and 6. Funded from the Undesignated Reserve with the following conditions: 1. That the grant expires on July 1, 2024 unless extended by the Community Preservation Committee. 2. The Upper Charles Trail Committee is encouraged to apply for a MA Trails Grant to assist in funding this project. 3. The Upper Charles Trail Committee will submit preliminary design of Segment 6 to the Select Board for their approval prior to expending final design/bidding funds on Segment 5 and 6. 4 The funds to be spent under the direction of the Upper Charles Trail Committee and the Community Preservation Committee.
F$50,000from funds reserved for Recreation Reserve for additional features for the Skatepark at EMC Park.Simple Majority
G$775,000from funds reserved for Undesignated Reserve for pickleball and tennis courts with parking lot
at Fruit Street recreation area.
Simple Majority
H$50,000from funds reserved for engineering studies and cost estimates for construction of bathrooms and if needed construct a portion of the sewer line under the Skate Park at EMC Park.Simple Majority
ITBDfor the purchase of the ā€œConroyā€ property, conservation restriction and legal expenses of Open Space and Recreation on Saddle Hill Road in Hopkinton, MA, containing 88.29 acres, more or less, identified as Assessorā€™s Parcels R7 5 0 and R7 7 02/3rds Majority
J$10,000from funds reserved for Undesignated Funds for
survey and boundary marking of Cameron Woods
Simple Majority


ARTICLE: 33 One Single-Family Dwelling per Lot; Sponsor: Planning Board – 2/3rds Majority Required

ARTICLE: 34 Maximum Gross Floor Area, Industrial A District; Sponsor: Planning Board – 2/3rds Majority Required

ARTICLE: 35 Off-Street Parking; Sponsor: Planning Board – 2/3rds Majority Required

ARTICLE: 36 Housekeeping/Gender Neutral References; Sponsor: Planning Board – 2/3rds Majority Required

ARTICLE: 37 Housekeeping, Plural Uses; Sponsor: Planning Board – 2/3rds Majority Required

ARTICLE: 38 Dimensional Table, Appendix; Sponsor: Planning Board – 2/3rds Majority Required


ARTICLE: 39 Housekeeping/Gender Neutral References; Sponsor: Select Board

ARTICLE: 40 Amend General Bylaws Section 62-2 – Dog Licensing; Sponsor: Town Clerk


ARTICLE: 41 Accept Easement – 2 Oakhurst Road; Sponsor: Select Board

ARTICLE: 42 Accept Gift of Land – Fitch Ave.; Sponsor: Select Board

ARTICLE: 43 Accept Gift of Land – Chamberlain-Whalen Subdivision; Sponsor: Planning Board

ARTICLE: 44 Land Acquisition – Conroy Property, Saddle Hill Road; Sponsor: Open Space Preservation Commission – 2/3rds Majority Required

ARTICLE: 45 Land Acquisition – 0 & 71 Frankland Road, Rear; Sponsor: Citizens Petition – 2/3rds Majority Required
$500,000 or whatever price is determined to the just cost by an appraisal commission by the Town for said acquisition


ARTICLE: 46 Accept M.G.L. c. 40U Ā§ 3; Sponsor: Fire Chief

ARTICLE: 47 Accept M.G.L. c. 41 Ā§ 110A; Sponsor: Town Clerk

ARTICLE: 48 Commission on Disability; Sponsor: Town Manager

ARTICLE: 49 Amend Vote of Town Meeting – Registrar Stipend; Sponsor: Town Clerk

ARTICLE: 50 Prudent Investment Legislation; Sponsor: Town Manager

ARTICLE: 51 Tax Increment Financing Agreement – Lykan Bioscience; Sponsor: Select Board

ARTICLE: 52 PILOT Agreement, Wilson Street Solar Farm; Sponsor: Select Board

ARTICLE: 53 Trustees of the School Fund in the Town of Hopkinton; Sponsor: Select Board