Town Meeting Results 2023

Town Meeting Results 2023

Key Documents


Day 1 – Monday, May 1, 2023


ARTICLE: 1 – Acceptance of Town Reports – Sponsor: Select Board – PASSED


ARTICLE: 2 – FY 2023 Supplemental Appropriations and Transfers – Sponsor: Town Manager – PASSED (Consent Agenda)
Transfer the sum of $425,462 from Certified Free Cash to the Fiscal Year 2023 Snow and Ice Removal Budget.

ARTICLE: 3 – Unpaid Bills from Prior Fiscal Years – Sponsor: Town Manager – PASSED (Consent Agenda)
Transfer from Certified Free Cash the sum of $28,497.45 for the following bills incurred in a previous year:

Department Vendor Amount 
Town Manager Miyares & Harrington LLP $ 12,438.50 
Public Works Hiller’s Pizza $ 107.95 
Police Waterlogic $ 382.20 
Trail Coordination & Management Committee Michael C. Boelsen $ 1,200.00 
Facilities Scott’s Landscaping, Inc. $ 333.00 
Facilities Hopkinton Business Center LLC $ 1,473.50 
Facilities Radiant Cleaning $ 5,470.92 
Facilities, Engineering Gatehouse Media $ 484.84 
Recycling Center Chase/Harris Portable Toilets $ 267.00 
Employee Benefits Middlesex County Retirement $ 4,967.54 
Town Clerk / Public Works Hopkinton Police Department $ 1,372.00 
TOTAL $ 28,497.45 


ARTICLE: 4 – Set the Salary of Elected Officials – Sponsor: Select Board – PASSED
We move that the Town vote to fix the salary of the elected Town Clerk for the Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 2023, at $81,791.44

ARTICLE: 5 – Fiscal Year 2024 Operating Budget – Sponsor: Town Manager – PASSED
We move that the Town vote to appropriate:

  • $108,589,950 to the General Fund; and 
  • $233,430 to the Community Preservation Fund; and 
  • $2,091,498 to the Sewer Enterprise Fund; and 
  • $2,361,354 to the Water Enterprise Fund 

for a total of $113,277,232 for the purposes itemized and described in the Fiscal Year 2024 Operating Budget of the Town, in the amounts set forth in the Appropriation Committee Report with Recommendations Approved April 18, 2023 the column titled ā€œAppropriation Committee Recommendationā€ for the Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 2023, in the column titled ā€œAppropriation Committee Recommendation,ā€ said sums to be spent under the direction of the respective Town officers, Boards, and Committees, and that amounts appropriated be raised as follows


Transfers from available funds: 

  • Ambulance Receipts Reserved $ 550,000 
  • Title V $ 64,458 
  • Bond Premiums $ 38,185 
  • Transfers from available funds $ 652,643 
  • Local Receipts, Intergovernmental 
  • Revenue and Tax Levy $ 107,937,307 
  • GENERAL FUND TOTAL $ 108,589,950 


Transfers from available funds, as recommended by the Community Preservation Committee: 

  • CPC Undesignated Fund Balance $ 233,430 


  • FY2023 Sewer Enterprise Fund Revenue 
  • Indirect Costs to be raised from the FY2023 Sewer Enterprise 
  • Fund revenues, appropriated in the General Fund $ 334,113 


  • FY2023 Water Enterprise Revenue 
  • Indirect costs to be raised from the FY2023 Water Enterprise 
  • Fund revenues, appropriated in the General Fund $ 445,962 


ARTICLE: 6 – FY 2024 Revolving Funds Spending Limits – Sponsor: Town Manager – PASSED

Revolving Fund Spending Limit for the Fiscal Year 2024 
Building Department $500,000 
Part-Time Wire Inspector $100,000 
Part-Time Plumbing Inspector $100,000 
Hazardous Materials $20,000 
Conservation Commission $200,000 
Library $10,000 
Public Safety $5,000 
Planning Board $100,000 
Open Space Preservation Commission $10,000 
Youth and Family Services Department $4,000 
Zoning Board of Appeals $50,000 
Department of Public Works (Expenses of operation of the Highway Division.) $8,000 
Department of Public Works (Expenses of operation of Recycling Center) $15,000 
Department of Public Works (To purchase Overflow Trash bags and to meet expenses of Waste Collection and Disposal) $8,000 
Cemetery Commission $3,500 
Cemetery Lot Fund $10,000 
School Department 1:1 Laptop Initiative $475,000 
Fingerprinting Fund$500
Senior Center Programs Fund$75,000
Police Department$12,500
Parks and Recreation$130,000
Shared Housing Services Office$125,000

ARTICLE: 7 – PEG Access and Cable Related Fund Revolving Account Funding – Sponsor: Town Manager – PASSED
Vote to transfer $221,000 from the PEG Access and Cable Related Fund Revolving Account for the purposes specified in Article 7 of the Warrant.

ARTICLE: 8 – Chapter 90 Highway Funds – Sponsor: Town Manager – PASSED (Consent Agenda)
Vote to appropriate $638,003.18 from the proceeds due to the Town pursuant to Chapter 90 of the Massachusetts General Laws

ARTICLE: 9 – Transfer to Other Post-Employment Benefits Liability Trust Fund – Sponsor: Town Manager – PASSED (Consent Agenda)
Vote to appropriate $832,850 from Certified Free Cash to be credited to the Other Post-Employment Benefits Liability Trust Fund.

ARTICLE: 10 – Transfer to the General Stabilization Fund – Sponsor: Town Manager – PASSED (Consent Agenda)
vote to transfer from Certified Free Cash the sum of $700,000 for the purpose of increasing the General Stabilization Fund

ARTICLE: 11 – Transfer to the School Special Education Reserve Fund – Sponsor: Town Manager – PASSED (Consent Agenda)
Vote to appropriate the sum of $1,094,024 for the purpose of increasing the School Special Education Reserve Fund

ARTICLE: 12 – Establish Capital Stabilization Account for South Middlesex Regional Vocational Technical School District – Sponsor: South Middlesex Regional Vocational Technical School District – PASSED

ARTICLE: 13 – PILOT Agreement, Wilson Street Solar Farm – Sponsor: Select Board – PASSED
vote in accordance with Chapter 59, Section 5, Clause forty-fifth of the Massachusetts General Laws, to approve a Payment in Lieu of Taxes (PILOT) Agreement, as negotiated by the Select Board, with GHTJA04 LLC, for a period of twenty-five (25) years, whereby GHTJA04 LLC will pay the Town a sum of monies per year relative to a portion of land located at 17 Wilson Street, shown as Assessorsā€™ Map Maps U12 1 A, U12 2 A, U11 30 0 and U11 26 B, and which is related to the proposed construction and operation of a Large-Scale Ground Mounted Solar Photovoltaic Installation with an expected nameplate capacity of approximately 1.8 megawatts


ARTICLE: 14 – Pay-As-You-Go Capital Expenses – Sponsor: Town Manager – PASSED
Vote to transfer from Certified Free Cash (or from available funds) $1,897,613 for the following capital purchases and projects:

Item Purchase or Product Department Amount To be spent under the direction of 
End User Computer Hardware Renewal Refresh Technology Department $92,851 Town Manager 
Security Cameras at Police Department, Town Hall Technology Department $54,350 Town Manager 
Network Switching and WiFi Upgrades Technology Department $38,170 Town Manager 
Police Department Vehicle Replacement – Three Cruisers Police Department $205,000 Town Manager 
Fire Department Vehicle Replacement for 2011 Chevy Tahoe Fire Department $70,000 Town Manager 
Fire Department Vehicle Replacement for 2011 F-250 Pickup with Plow Fire Department $90,000 Town Manager 
Fire Department Breathing Air Fill Station Fire Department $89,242 Town Manager 
School Systemwide Wireless Technology Upgrade School Department $75,000 School Superintendent 
EMC Park Drainage Remediation Facilities Department $225,000 Town Manager 
10 Drainage Improvement – Wood Street Department of Public Works $348,000 Town Manager 
11 Drainage Improvement – Downey Place Department of Public Works $75,000 Town Manager 
12 Replace 2005 Caterpillar 928 Loader Department of Public Works $240,000 Town Manager 
13 Replace 2005 Caterpillar 420 Backhoe Department of Public Works $195,000 Town Manager 
14 Participatory Budget Items: Flashing Traffic Beacon for Crosswalk at the corner of Grove St. and Pleasant St.; Installation of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations; Fitness Station along Center Trail, Free CPR and First Aid Classes; Tree planting, stone wall work and turf work at the Hughes Farm Property at 192 Hayden Rowe Town Managerā€™s Office $100,000 Town Manager 

ARTICLE: 15 – Chestnut Street Sidewalk – Sponsor: Planning Board – PASSED (Vote: Yes-375, No-6)
Vote to appropriate the sum of $514,250 for the design, engineering, permitting, and construction of a new sidewalk on Chestnut St. from Wild Road to Smith Road.

ARTICLE: 16 – Sidewalk from EMC Park to Blueberry Lane – Sponsor: Planning Board – PASSED
Vote to appropriate the sum of $187,000 (ONE HUNDRED EIGHTY SEVEN THOUSAND DOLLARS) for the design, engineering, permitting, and construction of a new sidewalk between EMC Park and Fitch Avenue, connecting to Blueberry Lane.

ARTICLE: 17 – Fire Station 2 Architectural and Engineering Design – Sponsor: Fire Chief and Town Manager – PASSED (Vote: Yes-355, No-16)
Vote to appropriate the sum of $70,000 for architectural and engineering design for Fire Station 2.

ARTICLE: 18 – Hopkinton Public School HVAC Renewal Work – Sponsor: School Committee – PASSED (Vote: Yes-323, No-10)
Vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,506,259 for Hopkinton Public School HVAC renewal work.

ARTICLE: 19 – Hopkins School Addition – Sponsor: School Committee – PASSED (Vote: Yes-275, No-65)
Vote to raise and appropriate a total sum of $3,000,000 for the Hopkins School Addition

  • (1) transfer the sum of $2,200,000 (TWO MILLION TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS) from the School Department Stabilization Fund; and
  • (2) authorize the Town Treasurer, with the approval of the Select Board, to borrow the sum of $800,000

ARTICLE: 20 – Roadway Paving – Pratt Way and Cemeteries – Sponsor: Director of Public Works; Town Manager – PASSED
Vote to appropriate $480,000 for the reconstruction and paving of Pratt Way and the roadways within Evergreen and Mount Auburn Cemeteries.

ARTICLE: 21 – Water Department Vehicle Replacement – Sponsor: Director of Public Works and Town Manager – PASSED
Vote to appropriate $285,000 from the Water Enterprise Fund Retained Earnings for the replacement of one superduty dump truck.

ARTICLE: 22 – School Curriculum, Equipment, and Services Contracts – Sponsor: School Committee – PASSED
Vote to authorize the Superintendent of Schools, or a designee thereof, to enter into a contract or contracts for Digital Curriculum (educational programs, educational courses, educational curricula in any media including online textbooks, educational software, newspapers, serials, periodicals, audiovisual materials or software maintenance), Technology Equipment and property Lease, and School Bus Transportation, for a term or terms in excess of three years but not to exceed six years, including any extension or renewal thereof or option under an existing contract, upon such terms and conditions determined by the Superintendent or designee to be in the best interests of the Town;


ARTICLE: 23 – Community Preservation Funds – Sponsor: Community Preservation Committee
Vote to reserve from the Community Preservation annual revenues in the amounts recommended by the Community Preservation Committee for Committee sponsored projects and expenses in the Fiscal Year 2024, with each item to be considered a separate reservation:

  • From the Fiscal Year 2024 estimate revenues for Recreation Reserve $212,131
  • From the Fiscal Year 2024 estimated revenues for Historic Resources Reserve $212,131
  • From the Fiscal Year 2024 estimated revenues for Community Housing Reserve $212,131
  • From the Fiscal Year 2024 estimated revenues for Open Space Reserve$212,131
  • From the Fiscal Year 2024 estimated revenues for Budgeted Reserve $1,076,476

ARTICLE: 24 – Community Preservation Recommendations – Sponsor: Community Preservation Committee

  • A. A sum or sums of money from funds reserved for Historical Preservation for Restoration of Historical Records, not including digitization of the same. Funded from the Historical Preservation Reserve with the following conditions: 1. That the grant expires on July 1, 2024 unless extended by the Community Preservation Committee. 2. Grant be spent under the direction of the Town Clerk and the Community Preservation Committee.
  • B. A sum or sums of money from funds reserved for Open Space/Undesignated Reserve for the land purchase of the Jenner Property, parcel R12 9 0. Located between Saddle Hill and Cedar Street. Funded from Open Space/Undesignated Reserve with the following conditions: 1. That the grant expired on July 1, 2024 unless extended by the Community Preservation Committee. 2. Grant be spent under the direction of the Town Manager and the Community Preservation Committee. 3. Price includes all legal costs for the purchase of the land. 4. That a Conservation Restriction be placed on the land within five years and that allows trails to be designed and constructed. 5. Land will be held by the Open Space Preservation Commission.
  • C. A sum or sums of money from funds reserved for Open Space/Undesignated Reserve for the land purchase of Connelly Land (R34 26 B and U26 7 0). Funded from Open Space/Undesignated Reserve with the following conditions: 1. That the grant expired on July 1, 2024 unless extended by the Community Preservation Committee. 2. Grant be spent under the direction of the Town Manager and the Community Preservation Committee. 3. Price includes all legal costs for the purchase of the land. 4. That a Conservation Restriction be placed on the land within five years and that allows trails to be designed and constructed. 5. Land will be held by the Open Space Preservation Commission.  NO ACTION
  • D. A sum or sums of money from funds reserved from the Open Space Reserve for the Boundary Marking of 9 parcels. Funded from the Open Space Reserve with the following conditions: 1. That the grant expires on July 1, 2024 unless extended by the Community Preservation Committee. 2. Grant be spent under the direction of the Open Space Preservation Commission and the Community Preservation Committee. 
  • E. A sum or sums of money from funds reserved for Open Space Reserve for Trailhead Parking on Ash Street. Funded from the Open Space Reserve with the following conditions: 1. That the grant expires on July 1, 2024 unless extended by the Community Preservation Committee. 2. Grant be spent under the direction of the Trail Coordination and Management Committee and the Community Preservation Committee. 
  • F. A sum or sums of money for funds reserved for Open Space/Undesignated Reserve for the land purchase NSTAR Parcel R23 73 A (approximately 5.99 acres) and R23 73 B (approximately 1 acre). Funded from Open Space/Undesignated Reserve with the following conditions: 1. That the grant expired on July 1, 2024 unless extended by the Community Preservation Committee. 2. Grant be spent under the direction of the Town Manager and the Community Preservation Committee. 3. Price includes all legal costs for the purchase of the land. 4. That a Conservation Restriction be placed on the land within five years and that allows trails to be designed and constructed. 5. Land will be held by the Open Space Preservation Commission.  NO ACTION
  • G. A sum or sums of money for funds reserved for Open Space/Undesignated Reserve for the land purchase NSTAR Parcel R23 100 0 (approximately 9.9 acres). Funded from the Open Space/Undesignated Reserve with the following conditions: 1. That the grant expired on July 1, 2024 unless extended by the Community Preservation Committee. 2. Grant be spent under the direction of the Town Manager and the Community Preservation Committee. 3. Price includes all legal costs for the purchase of the land. 4. That a Conservation Restriction be placed on the land within five years and that allows trails to be designed and constructed. 5. Land will be held by the Open Space Preservation Commission.  NO ACTION
  • H. A sum or sums of money from funds reserved for Recreation Funds for Trail Bridges and Boardwalks. Funded from the Recreation Reserve with the following conditions: 1. That the grant expires on July 1, 2025 unless extended by the Community Preservation Committee. 2. Grant be spent under the direction of the Trail Coordination and Management Committee and the Community Preservation Committee. 
  • I. A sum or sums of money from funds reserved for Recreation Funds for Additional Shade Structures and benches at the Dog Park. Funded from the Recreation Reserve with the following conditions: That the grant expires on July 1, 2024 unless extended by the Community Preservation Committee. 2. Grant be spent under the direction of the Parks and Recreation Commission and the Community Preservation Committee.
  • J. A sum or sums of money from funds reserved from Undesignated Reserve for the Design, Construction bid documents, construction, and parking for a Cricket Pitch and Little League baseball field at Pyne Field. Funded from Undesignated Reserve with the following conditions: 1. That the grant expires on July 1, 2025 unless extended by the Community Preservation Committee. 2. Grant be spent under the direction of the Parks and Recreation Commission and the Community Preservation Committee. 
  • K. A sum or sums of money from funds reserved for Recreation Funds for Additional Security Cameras at Sandy Beach and Fruit Street Athletic Fields. Funded from the Recreation Reserve with the following conditions: 1. That the grant expires on July 1, 2024 unless extended by the Community Preservation Committee. 2. Grant be spent under the direction of the Parks and Recreation Commission and the Community Preservation Committee. 
  • L. A sum or sums of money from funds reserved for Community Housing Reserve for the creation of ADA compliant seating areas, which will include shading structures, a covered bus shelter and walkways at the Housing Authority. Funded from the Community Housing Reserve with the following conditions: 1. That the grant expires on July 1, 2025 unless extended by the Community Preservation Committee. 2. Grant be spent under the direction of the Hopkinton Housing Authority and the Community Preservation Committee. 
  • M. A sum or sums of money funded from Recreation Reserve for Preliminary Engineering including wetlands assessment, topographical evaluation, and trail mapping of the town-owned portions and abutting properties of the Western Route Trail. Funded from the Recreation Reserve with the following conditions: 1. That the grant expires on July 1, 2024 unless extended by the Community Preservation Committee. 2.The Trail Coordination and Management Committee gets written statement from private property owners for permission to walk the site, determine wetlands, and survey the land for future trail locations and expressing willingness to enter into discussions on the town purchasing an easement or land for the future trail. 3. Grant be spent under the direction of the Trail Coordination and Management Committee and the Community Preservation Committee. 
  • N. A sum or sums of money funded from Recreation Reserve for Preliminary Engineering including wetlands assessment, topographical evaluation, and trail mapping of Segment One. Funded from Recreation Reserve with the following conditions: 1. That the grant expires on July 1, 2024 unless extended by the Community Preservation Committee. 2. Grant be spent under the direction of the Upper Charles Trail Committee and the Community Preservation Committee. 
  • O. A sum or sums of money from funds reserved for Open Space/Undesignated Reserve for the land purchase of the McDonough property, parcel R10 15 0. Funded from Open Space/Undesignated Reserve with the following conditions: 1. That the grant expired on July 1, 2024 unless extended by the Community Preservation Committee. 2. Grant be spent under the direction of the Town Manager and the Community Preservation Committee. 3. Price includes all legal costs for the purchase of the land. 4. That a Conservation Restriction be placed on the land within five years and that allows trails to be designed and constructed. 5. Land will be held by the Open Space Preservation Commission. NO ACTION

Motion #1 – Non-Land Purchase Articles – PASSED

  • A. $40,000
  • D. $30,000
  • E. $5,000
  • H. $5,000
  • I. $60,000
  • J. $1,000,000
  • K. $25,000
  • L. $350,000
  • M. $40,000
  • N. $48,400

Motion #2 – Land Purchase Articles – PASSED

  • B. $150,000

Motion #3 ā€“ No Action – PASSED (Consent Agenda)

  • C
  • F
  • G
  • O


ARTICLE: 25 – Inclusionary Development Bylaw – Sponsor: Planning Board – PASSED (Vote: Yes-287, No-9)

Day 2 – Monday, May 2, 2023

ARTICLE: 26 – Electric Vehicle Parking Spaces – Sponsor: Planning Board – PASSED

ARTICLE: 27 – Site Plan Review Rooftop Solar Exemption – Sponsor: Planning Board – PASSED

ARTICLE: 28 – Zoning District Change – 2 West Elm Street and 0 West Elm Street – Sponsor: Citizens Petition – FAILED

  • 9:35 PM – Motion to Reconsider Article 28 – FAILED

ARTICLE: 29 – Zoning District Change – South Street and Hayward Street – Sponsor: Citizens Petition

  • Motion for No Action – FAILED
  • Motion to Approve the Zoning Change – FAILED


ARTICLE: 30 – Housekeeping – Delete Definition – Sponsor: Town Clerk – PASSED

ARTICLE: 31 – Amend Meeting Minutes Bylaw – Sponsor: Town Clerk – PASSED

ARTICLE: 32 – Amend Leash Law – Sponsor: Select Board – FAILED

  • Amendment to allow an exemption for dog park – PASSED
  • Motion as Amended – FAILED (Vote: Yes-185, No-208)

ARTICLE: 33 – Short Term Rental Bylaw – Sponsor: Select Board – FAILED

ARTICLE: 34 – Gun Club Indoor Shooting – Sponsor: Citizens Petition – FAILED


ARTICLE: 35 – Street Acceptance – Foxhollow Road – Sponsor: Planning Board and Select Board – PASSED

  • Amendment to remove language “…holding the Town harmless against claims arising from pesticide contamination…” – FAILED

ARTICLE: 36 – Street Acceptance – Box Mill Road – Sponsor: Planning Board and Select Board – PASSED

ARTICLE: 37 – Accept Gift of Land ā€“ Turkey Ridge Subdivision – Sponsor: Planning Board – PASSED (Consent Agenda)

  • Day 2 at 10:30 PM – Motion to suspend the bylaws in order to reconsider Article 37 – FAILED

ARTICLE: 38 – Solar Canopy Leases, Middle School and High School – Sponsor: Town Manager – PASSED

ARTICLE: 39 – Fruit Street Lease – Sponsor: Citizensā€™ Petition – NO ACTION (Consent Agenda)

ARTICLE: 40 – Drainage Easement, 14 Hazel Road – Sponsor: Town Engineer/Facilities Director and Town Manager – PASSED

ARTICLE: 41 – Drainage Easement, 77 South Street – Sponsor: Director of Public Works and Town Manager – PASSED (Day 1)

ARTICLE: 42 – Drainage Easement, 20 Downey Place – Sponsor: Director of Public Works and Town Manager – PASSED (Day 1)

ARTICLE: 43 – Home Rule Petition for Special State Legislation to Authorize Taking of Easements in Milford for Lake Maspenock Dam Repairs – Sponsor: Director of Public Works and Town Manager – PASSED (Day 1)

ARTICLE: 44 – Easements for Lake Maspenock Dam Repairs – Sponsor: Director of Public Works and Town Manager – PASSED (Vote: Yes-336, No-77; Day 1)

ARTICLE: 45 – Temporary Easement for Lake Maspenock Dam Repairs – Sponsor: Director of Public Works and Town Manager – PASSED (Day 1)


ARTICLE: 46 – Net Zero Resolution – Sponsor: Select Board and Sustainable Green Committee – PASSED

ARTICLE: 47 – Abolish Upper Charles Trail Committee and Establish Subcommittee – Sponsor: Citizens Petition – PASSED (Yes-158, No-61)

ARTICLE: 48 – Upper Charles Trail Committee Spending, Segment 7 – Sponsor: Citizens Petition – PASSED

Adjourned – may 2, 2023 at 11:52 PM until annual Town Election