Weekly News Update – 08/20/2023

Weekly News Update – 08/20/2023

ESBC weighs ‘alternates’ to proposed new school budget Hopkinton State Park upper beach reopens, main beach still deemed unsafe for swimming Boston Tea Party participant to be commemorated at Hopkinton cemetery • Golden Pond allowed to accept new patients after state approves corrective action plan Trails Committee discusses its role in UCTC reorganization, upcoming projects Hopkinton children help turn park fence into inspiring mural celebrating diversity Planning Board discusses plans for 87 Hayden Rowe Street redevelopment Hopkinton Fire Department Smoke Alarm Installation Program Pair of finalists moves forward in Parks & Recreation director search Main Street Corridor Project Update

ESBC weighs ‘alternates’ to proposed new school budget

The Elementary School Building Committee will vote on a budget for the proposed new Elmwood School on Aug. 22, the same date the School Committee is expected to endorse it.

Currently, the ESBC is looking at a total cost of $158,894,578 and discussed an estimated maximum reimbursement amount from the Massachusetts School Building Authority of $46,598,079.

The ESBC opted to go along with the recommended deduction alternates, which subtracted about $600,000.

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Hopkinton State Park upper beach reopens, main beach still deemed unsafe for swimming

The water quality at the upper beach at Hopkinton State Park returned to a safe level, while the water quality at the main beach remains unsuitable for swimming due to enterococci bacteria, according to water sample test results released Wednesday.

Results were provided by the state’s Department of Conservation and Recreation from testing done Tuesday.

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Boston Tea Party participant to be commemorated at Hopkinton cemetery

The Boston Tea Party Participant Grave Marker Project will recognize Dickman with a commemorative marker at a small ceremony open to the public on Sunday, Aug. 27 at 11 a.m. Hosts of the event will answer questions and present photo opportunities after the marker is placed at the cemetery, which is situated between Wood Street and Fruit Street/Cunningham Street.

The Grave Marker Project is a collaborative effort between the Boston Tea Party Ships & Museum and Revolution 250 to commemorate known participants with honorary grave markers by the event’s 250th anniversary in 2023.

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Golden Pond allowed to accept new patients after state approves corrective action plan

The Communities at Golden Pond assisted living facility is allowed to accept new residents after the Massachusetts Executive Office of Elder Affairs approved its corrective action plan in June to address numerous violations the facility received in March after a failed compliance review.

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Details emerge about corrective action plan for Golden Pond after failed compliance review


Trails Committee discusses its role in UCTC reorganization, upcoming projects

The Trails Committee (formerly known as the Trail Coordination and Management Committee) met for nearly two hours Wednesday night to discuss its role in further discussions about the town’s efforts to reform the Upper Charles Trail Committee, as well as its own initiatives.

UCTC draft charge reviewed

In tandem with the revision of its charge, the Trails Committee has been working on revised language to the UCTC charge in its advisory role to the Select Board. LaGoy said that a lot of the language is similar for both charges, and the UCTC language proposed would work for the UCTC whether it remains a committee or becomes a Trails Committee subcommittee.

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Hopkinton children help turn park fence into inspiring mural celebrating diversity

There’s a unique mural in Hopkinton that’s highlighting diversity.

After George Floyd’s murder in Minnesota in 2020, Ilana Casady, the chair of the Hopkinton Cultural Council, wanted to find a way to bring people together. So, she invited artists to create something special on the long fence outside EMC Park in town.

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Conservation Commission blasts The Trails for repeated stormwater violations

During its nearly four-hour meeting Tuesday night, the Conservation Commission lost its patience with the developer of The Trails after the project incurred additional stormwater management violations after the deluge of rain earlier in the day.

The Trails, an 80-unit open-space mixed-use development (OSMUD) off Legacy Farms Road North, between Wilson Street and the Ashland border, has been plagued by stormwater management issues that have negatively impacted the water system in Ashland. Now in its fourth phase of development, The Trails has a history of nearly three years of stormwater violations over different phases of development that have caused turbid water to run into Ashland’s reservoir.

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Planning Board discusses plans for 87 Hayden Rowe Street redevelopment

The Planning Board at its meeting Monday night reviewed a major site plan for a proposed office building at 87 Hayden Rowe Street and considered a housing proposal that will trigger the implementation of the town’s new inclusionary zoning bylaw.

0-24 Chestnut Street proposal first to invoke new inclusionary zoning bylaw

Keystone Builders, LLC proposed a seven-lot, market-rate, residential subdivision at 0-24 Chestnut Street. The applicant proposed creating an off-site affordable housing unit, which triggered usage of the new inclusionary zoning bylaw and requires the Planning Board’s approval of a special permit. No designs will be completed until the subdivision is approved, according to the developer.

188-190 Fruit Street hearing continued after discussion

Nick Skoly presented a status update on the stormwater permit to construct two single-family homes at 188-190 Fruit Street, as proposed by Rebel Hill LLC, near the Hopkinton Country Club. Site walks were held with both the Planning Board and the Conservation Commission last month.

New economic development project manager introduced

Sustainability, Economic Development and Equity Project Manager Julia Chun introduced herself to the board. She was appointed to this newly-created position last month and started on July 24.

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Hopkinton Fire Department Smoke Alarm Installation Program

The Hopkinton Fire Department, in collaboration with a generous grant awarded by FM Global, is proud to offer the free installation of smoke alarms to Hopkinton residents in need.

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Pair of finalists moves forward in Parks & Recreation director search

Two finalists were chosen from the top four candidates for the Parks & Recreation Department’s director position after they interviewed Monday night before commission members and town leaders.

After a three-hour-plus meeting that consisted of individual interviews and commissioner discussion, Jonathan Lewitus and Mark Kelly will advance to the next step in the process. They both come from larger recreation program backgrounds.

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Main Street Corridor Project Update

What to Expect for the Week of August 21st to August 25th, 2023

East Side of Project

  • Forming and pouring sidewalks between the Muffin House and Ash Street
  • Paving the top mix on the bike lane
  • Placing loam in various areas
  • Various on-site clean-up

West Side of Project

  • Installing posts for crosswalk beacons at Pleasant Street and Commonwealth Ave.
  • Placing loam in various areas
  • Various on-site clean-up

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