Video: Meet the Candidates 2018

Video: Meet the Candidates 2018

On Wednesday, April 25, the Hopkinton Women’s Club held their 31st Annual Meet the Candidates Night at HCAM-TV. The program is now available on the HCAM YouTube Channel to view at your convenience: It is an opportunity for residents to hear the views of local citizens who are running for public office. Meet the Candidates Night is a yearly event to help inform and educate local voters prior to the Hopkinton Town Election. Thank you to the Hopkinton Women’s Club for organizing!

Contested Candidates Debate 5/2 – Stay Tuned

On Wednesday May 2nd at 7pm, HCAM will host Hopkinton Town Election debates for the contested races. This year there are 5 contested races: Board of Library Trustees, Board of Health, Board of Selectmen, Planning Board and School Committee. The debates will take place in the HCAM studios which are located at 77 Main Street on the lower level. Panelists this year include Michelle Murdock and Jim Kleinkauf from the Hopkinton Independent and HCAM News Director, Tom Nappi. Read more…