At its last meeting, the Select Board continued its review of town departments’ budget proposals for FY26, hearing from Senior Services and the Hopkinton Public Library, with several residents advocating for funding for both to ensure sufficient services for the town’s oldest and youngest residents. The board heard also from the Department of Youth and Family Services who noted concerns regarding their budget due to current uncertainty over federal grants, as half their department is “heavily grant funded.”  

Senior Services, HYFS, library budget concerns dominate Select Board meeting (Article by Mary Ellen Gambon, 02/19/25)

Also at their last meeting, the Select Board received an overview of the 51 warrant articles currently submitted for Annual Town Meeting on May 5th, although some could be removed. The draft warrant is expected to be presented at the next meeting.  

In additional business, the board reaffirmed its commitment to DEI. The board unanimously pledged its commitment in 2020 to addressing systemic racism, inequality and social injustice and maintains its adherence to this pledge today.

Finally, the board voted 4-0 to approve the funding agreement between the town and the Massachusetts School Building Authority for the new Charleswood School, thereby allowing the town to receive reimbursement costs for the project, and approved permit requests for several town events starting in April.

Select Board reviews Town Meeting articles, reaffirms commitment to DEI (Article by Mary Ellen Gambon, 0219/25)


At its Monday meeting, the Planning Board addressed the ongoing issue of damage to Wilson Street, believed by the Department of Public Works to have been caused by stormwater runoff from The Trails housing development, whose stormwater management practices have been the source of contention over the years. The Board unanimously voted at the meeting to increase the bond amount for The Trails from $75,000 to $177,000 to cover repair costs for the Wilson Street damage. The Trails owner was informed that he could petition reduce this bond upon completion of the work.  

The board also addressed another ongoing, complicated issue regarding a proposed amended definitive subdivision plan for 0 Benson Road, which will affect a 2006 Planning Board decision regarding this property. Due to the complex nature of the case, the board unanimously voted to have town counsel review the current request, along with the relevant 2006 decision.  

Planning Board increases The Trails’ bond amount to $177K, citing DPW claim of Wilson Street stormwater damage (Article by Mary Ellen Gambon, 02/25/25)


At its Thursday meeting, the Community Preservation Committee heard updates on funding requests for FY26. The Capital Improvement Committee recently opted to support all of the CPC’s recommendations for funding, except for the $300,000 request for partial funding toward the proposed adaptive playground. The CPC chair noted that the School Committee’s funding request for the adaptive playground playground is listed before the CPC’s on the current list of the Annual Town Meeting warrant articles and, as such, if it is not approved, the CPC will not go forward with their request. Planning Board representative Parker Happ requested that the committee not view it as a school project, noting that 10% of families in town have a child with a disability who would directly benefit from an adaptive playground. Outreach is currently underway to seek alternative funding. 

Also at the meeting, the new Trails Committee chair appeared to provide a status update on projects previously funded by the CPC under the former Trail Coordination and Management Committee and the Upper Charles Tail Committee. Projects expected for completion before FY25’s end include the middle school cross country course and an Ash Street trailhead parking area. 

CPC discusses adaptive playground funding request, receives Trails Committee project update (Article by Mary Ellen Gambon, 02/21/25)


In her latest Weekly Update, Town Manager Elaine Lazarus gave updates regarding:

The town’s FY26 Budget Process, including times of pertinent meetings and an online form for public comment / feedback.

  The current list of submitted warrant articles for the May 5th Annual Town Meeting. 

Check out this information here: Town Manager Weekly Update – February 20, 2025


Keep up with the latest on the 2025 Town Election at eHop’s Election Information Page. Select Board is now a contested race with 3 candidates running for 2 seats. But there are no candidates yet for Cemetery Commissioners or Constable. There is still time to run for office. Nomination papers must be submitted by candidates by March 31, 2015 at 5PM.  


It’s not too late to support eHop’s 2025 Boston Marathon runner, Nick Miller! Any showing of support to him and eHop through a donation is greatly appreciated!