Enrollment Update – 3rd Grade Now Surpasses Grade 8 as the Largest “Bubble” Year
At its October 6 meeting the School Committee reviewed final enrollment data for the current school year. Grade 3 is now the largest class in Hopkinton with 298 students, surpassing Grade 8, which had been the largest group last year when those students were in Grade 7. Other large classes include Grade 8 at 295 students and Grade 10 at 290 students. Hopkinton’s total enrollment is 3,414 this year, down 40 students from last year, which is likely in part due to a smaller number of full-day Kindergarten classes offered at Center School this year. As reported in a recent Educate Hopkinton blog, Hopkinton’s overall enrollment numbers are projected to remain steady over the next several years. Although there are slight increases and decreases from year-to-year there is no significant downward or upward trend. From 2004-2018 enrollments range from a low of 3,306 to a high of 3,462, just a 4% difference over a 15-year time-frame. Click here for an updated enrollment chart.