eHop Updates

FY19 Joint Budget Working Session

FY19 Joint Budget Working Session

Tuesday, March 20 at 6:30 PM HCAM-TV, 77 Main St (lower level), Hopkinton The next joint FY19 Budget working session for the Selectmen and School Committee is coming up this Tuesday. Previously at the March 9 working session, the town and school department heads were asked 

Preview of eHop Spotlight on Town Growth & Development

Preview of eHop Spotlight on Town Growth & Development

New Date: Thursday, March 22 at 7:00 PM Hopkinton Center for the Arts, 98 Hayden Rowe St. Join us for a public forum on Town Growth and Development on Thursday 3/22. The forum will provide a unique opportunity for residents and town leaders to listen 

FY19 Budget Joint Meeting

FY19 Budget Joint Meeting

New Date & Location Due to Weather Forecast: Friday, March 9 at 3:00 PM Temporary Town Hall, 80 South St. The meeting will NOT be recorded by HCAM-TV Update: The meeting was recorded after all, here is the link to the video. Wednesday, March 7 at 

Community Safety Forum

Community Safety Forum

Tuesday, March 6, 2018 at 7:00 PM Hopkinton High School Auditorium In response to community concerns about current safety measures and procedures in the schools and town, the School Administration, Chief of Police, Fire Chief and Director of Youth and Family Services will host a 

Hopkinton 101

Hopkinton 101

Saturday, March 10 at 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Hopkinton Public Library, 13 Main Street This community fair style event will feature various Town of Hopkinton departments, boards, and committees, as well as local nonprofits. New and longtime residents can learn more about the services and 

Planning Board – Did You Know?

Planning Board – Did You Know?

The Planning Board consists of nine members, elected for five-year terms on a rotating basis. The Board typically meets every second and fourth Monday of the month. The board may choose to schedule site walks as needed, typically on Saturday mornings. Check the town calendar 

Zoning Advisory Committee – Did You Know?

Zoning Advisory Committee – Did You Know?

The Zoning Advisory Committee is appointed by the Planning Board every year, typically in September. The purpose of the ZAC is to review and develop proposals for zoning bylaw and zoning map amendments, and to make recommendations to the Planning Board in preparation for Annual 

Design Review Board – Did You Know?

Design Review Board – Did You Know?

The Design Review Board is appointed by the Planning Board with terms expiring annually on July 31. Members consist of the following: (1) Chairman of the Planning Board or his/her designee. (2) One person qualified by training and experience in the fine arts or landscape 

Conservation Commission – Did You Know?

Conservation Commission – Did You Know?

The Hopkinton Conservation Commission consists of seven members appointed by the Board of Selectmen. Members serve three-year terms expiring on June 30 on a rotating basis. The town usually posts an announcement about upcoming openings in May on the HopNotices board. The commission typically meets 

Open Space Preservation Commission – Did You Know?

Open Space Preservation Commission – Did You Know?

The Open Space Preservation Commission is a five member board appointed by the Board of Selectmen. Members include representatives from the Board of Selectmen, Conservation Commission, the Planning Board and two At-Large seats. Vacancies are typically posted on the HopNotices board. The Commission typically meets 

Community Preservation Committee – Did You Know?

Community Preservation Committee – Did You Know?

The Community Preservation Committee has nine appointed members including designees from the Planning Board, Open Space Preservation Committee, Conservation Commission, Historical Commission, Parks and Recreation Commission, the Housing Authority and four At-Large members appointed by the Board of Selectmen. At-Large members serve three-year terms expiring 

Board of Appeals – Did You Know?

Board of Appeals – Did You Know?

The Board of Appeals is a quasi-judicial administrative board that hears and decides zoning related matters pursuant to MGL c. 40A, and applications for Comprehensive Permits pursuant to MGL c. 40B (Affordable Housing Developments). The Board of Appeals generally schedules public hearings on the second