Draft School Calendar for Next Year

At the February 7 School Committee meeting, Dr Hiersche presented the first draft of the school calendar for 2013-14. Click here to view the DRAFT Calendar. Dr Hiersche made some changes from the typical Hopkinton calendar, such as moving Early Release Days to Fridays. The fall Early Release dates, typically used for Parent-Teacher Conferences, have been clustered together in November, with no Early Release dates in September or December and only one Early Release date in October. Many of the Spring Early Release dates are paired with a three-day weekend. The School Committee is expected to vote on the final calendar at either their March 7 or March 21 regular meeting. If you would like to give feedback on these changes, please email your comments and questions to Dr Hiersche and the School Committee by March 5:
shiersche@hopkinton.k12.ma.us, hpsschoolcommittee@hopkinton.k12.ma.us