Strategic Plan Forum Update

On June 17 and 19, Superintendent Dr Cathy MacLeod held public forums on the Strategic Plan Overview, which was put together over the past year incorporating feedback from various forums and survey data. The Mission Statement of “Learn, Create, and Achieve Together” remains the same, but the Vision Statement and Values have been updated (see below). The plan is currently just a broad overview and the following refinements will take place over the summer:
- Finalize Action Steps
- Align Budget Priorities and School Improvement Plans (SIP) with the Strategic Plan
- Identify Evaluation Goals aligned with the plan (Superintendent, Administrators, Teachers)
The School Committee approved the Overview, Vision and Values at their June 19 meeting. Then in September 2014, the Superintendent will seek School Committee approval of the Strategic Plan, Technology Plan and Foreign Language Plan. The June 19 forum is available for viewing on the website under Programs > Government Meetings > June 2014 > School Committee 06/19/14. See below for the documents presented at the meeting.
- Powerpoint Presentation about the Strategic Plan Overview (6/17/14)
- Strategic Plan Overview (6/16/14)
- Watch the Strategic Plan Forum on HCAM (6/19/14)
Current Vision Statement 2009-14:
The Hopkinton Public School District is regarded by other school districts, institutions of higher learning, and employers as a center of
educational innovation that produces critical thinkers, creative problem-solvers, effective communicators, and productive, healthy citizens.
New Vision Statement 2014-19:
All students and educators will:
- … learn and continuously grow as independent, confident, resilient, and thoughtful individuals willing to explore new ideas, reflect on progress, and challenge themselves.
- … collaborate and thrive in rigorous and differentiated instructional programs to accommodate the differences in styles, needs, and readiness to learn.
- … self-evaluate success and opportunities for improvement in a safe and supportive environment that values the welfare and happiness of everyone.
Current Values 2009-14:
We accomplish our mission by embracing these values:
• Primacy of Learning
• Achievement
• Collaboration
• Innovation
• Integrity
• Social, Emotional, and Physical Well-Being
New Values 2014-19:
Hopkinton Public Schools value:
- … continuous learning.
- … growth as individuals and as global citizens.
- … a safe and respectful environment that nurtures critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, and communication.