Question 2: Hopkins and High School Roof Repairs

Question 2: Shall the Town of Hopkinton be allowed to exempt from the provisions of proposition two and one-half, so-called, the amounts required to pay for the bond issued in order fund engineering designs and construction services related to making roof repairs at the Hopkins and High Schools?
The school committee is asking to have the roof repaired in FY16 as indicated in the town Capital Asset Management Plan and the school district’s 10-year Capital Plan. The high school roof has required repairs multiple times over the past 10 years due in part to the solar installation and deteriorating materials. All repairs have been paid for by the roof manufacturer consistent with the warranty which expires in August of 2016. The Hopkins roof is in need of repair due to normal wear and tear and issues. If this articles passes at the polls, both roofs will be replaced with PVC roofing which has a longer life span and is more durable.
- A YES vote would mean that the funds are approved and the expenditure will proceed.
- A NO vote would mean that the funds are disapproved and the expenditure cannot proceed without a future ballot vote within 90 days.
Voters at the 2015 Annual Town Meeting voted to borrow $1.114 million for engineering designs and construction services related to making roof repairs at the Hopkins and High Schools. This borrowing was made contingent on the passage of a debt exclusion under Proposition 2 1/2, authorizing a temporary increase in the Town’s levy limit to cover the cost of borrowing for this work. The average single-family homeowner is expected to pay $24 in the first year of borrowing which is expected over 10 years.
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