Fire Chief Job Reposted, Selectmen to Meet Again 1/19

At their January 5 meeting, the Selectmen listened to many residents speak at public comment in support of hiring Steve Slaman as the permanent Fire Chief. Please see the following articles from the Metrowest Daily News & HCAM for more information:
- “Hopkinton fire chief job reposted” by Jonathan Phelps 1-18-16
- “Town of Hopkinton seeks a Fire Chief” HCAM 1-15-16
- Video: “Selectmen Discuss Fire Chief Position at Jan 5th Meeting” HCAM
- “Hopkinton residents question interim fire chief move” by Jonathan Phelps 1-5-16
- “Selectmen Reach Decision on Fire Chief Position” by Tom Nappi 1-5-16
The Board of Selectmen will hold a regularly scheduled meeting January 19 at 6:45pm at Town Hall, 2nd Floor. You may also watch the meeting on HCAM-TV (Comcast 8 / Verizon 30 / Streaming The public comment period is scheduled at the beginning of the meeting. Under agenda item 3. iv. the Board will consider accepting Bob Levenson’s resignation from the Personnel Committee. Click here to view the agenda.
Contact info for the Selectmen and Town Manager: