Town Clerk – Did You Know?

The Town Clerk is the keeper of vital statistics for the Town, the custodian of the Town seal and all records of the Town; administers the oath of office to all Town officers, elected or appointed; issues such licenses and permits as are required by general law to be issued by such clerks; supervises and manages the conduct of all elections and matters relating thereto and is the clerk of the open Town Meeting, keeps its records and, in the absence of the Town Moderator and Deputy Town Moderator, serves as temporary presiding officer.
To run for Town Clerk a person must be a registered voter in Hopkinton and either obtain and submit nomination papers by securing the signatures of 50 Hopkinton registered voters; or a person may qualify by being the top vote getter in one of the town political party caucuses; or a combination of both. Town Clerks who have completed the necessary courses of study and training, may be awarded a certificate by the Massachusetts Town Clerks’ Association as a certified Massachusetts municipal clerk. Town Clerk is currently a full-time salaried position. Compensation for the Town Clerk is voted on every year at town meeting upon recommendation of the Personnel Committee:
- Town Meeting 2015 – $70,000 Town Clerk annual salary
- Town Meeting 2014 – $67,250 Town Clerk annual salary
- Town Meeting 2013 – $62,308 Town Clerk annual salary
In 2011 60% of Hopkinton voters rejected a ballot question that would have changed the position of Town Clerk from elected to appointed. The change had previously been approved at the May 2010 Town Meeting by a 2/3 voice vote, but charter changes must pass at both a Town Meeting and Town Election.
Contact Info:
- 508-497-9710
- Town Clerk Webpage
- Office Hours at Town Hall:
- Monday, Wednesday and Thursday 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM
- Tuesday 8:00 AM to 7:00 PM
- Friday 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM
- Public Notary Services available by appointment