eHop Annual Meeting Notice 2017

eHop Annual Meeting Notice 2017

The eHop Annual Member Meeting will be held on Wednesday, June 14 at 12:00 PM. All subscribers and members are welcome to attend. We are planning to meet at a restaurant, so we will need an accurate headcount, please RSVP to by midday June 13. The exact location will be sent to all those who RSVP. Anyone interested in getting more involved with eHop is encouraged to attend or to reach out to any eHop Board Member for more information. We would especially love to have more help with flocking!

Agenda Items to be Discussed:

  1. By-Law Changes as summarized below:
    Read the current bylaws (PDF)
    Proposed bylaw changes with Markup Shown (PDF)
    Proposed new bylaws without Markup (PDF)

    1. Officially change our organizationā€™s name from ā€œEducate Hopkintonā€ to ā€œeHop – educate ā€¢ engage ā€¢ empower – Hopkintonā€
      Rationale: ā€œeHopā€ better reflects our mission and eliminates the misconception that we only focus on educational and school issues. We have informally been using eHop in our logo and branding since 2012.
    2. Annual Meeting date timeline extended from June 30 to August 31.
      Rationale: Our final flocking fundraiser numbers are not available until after June 30, so in practice we can vote in a more accurate budget after flocking is complete.
    3. The ā€œAnnual Meeting of Membersā€ will become the ā€œAnnual Meeting of Directorsā€
      Rationale: Since we became a non-profit in 2011, we have had minimal interest from general members or subscribers in actually attending our annual meeting. So this would simplify the annual meeting process for the Board. Members would still be welcome to attend, but it would primarily be a Board meeting.
    4. Reduce the number of items requiring a vote by general members.
      Rationale: We have had minimal interest from general members or subscribers in voting or attending meetings. So this would simplify procedures for the Board. However, members would still be welcome to give feedback and attend meetings, this would just eliminate some requirements.
    5. Eliminate the role of an official nominating committee for the Board of Directors.
      Rationale: Since we are a small board, in practice we have not found the need for a formal nominating committee, but instead have been able to recruit new board members on a more informal basis by reaching out directly to members and the community.
  2. Slate of Board Members for 2017-18 (in alphabetical order):
    NOTES: Amy Ritterbusch has finished her 2-year term as President, and we will be discussing who will be the next President at the Annual Meeting.

    1. Nanda Barker-Hook
    2. Cindy Bernardo
    3. Amanda Fargiano
    4. Mary Pawela
    5. Amy Ritterbusch
    6. Tara Sanda
    7. Kristy Willadsen
  3. Annual Budget
    1. 2016-17 Budget as Projected at the beginning of last year
    2. Treasurerā€™s Report – Review of 2016-17Ā Projected vs Actual to date – available at the meeting
    3. ReviewĀ Proposed 2017-18 Budget – available at the meeting