Design Review Board – Did You Know?

The Design Review Board is appointed by the Planning Board with terms expiring annually on July 31. Members consist of the following:
- (1) Chairman of the Planning Board or his/her designee.
- (2) One person qualified by training and experience in the fine arts or landscape design.
- (3) One person doing business in the Town or a citizen at large.
- (4) One person qualified by training and experience in the art or design professions.
- (5) One member of the Historic District Commission or a designee of the Planning Board.
- Alternates: The Planning Board may also appoint up to two alternate members who shall be Town residents.
Vacancies are typically posted on the HopNotices board. The Board typically meets on the third Tuesday of the month. Check the town calendar for exact dates, times and locations.
The Design Review Board shall review applications for site plan review and applications for new signs requiring a building permit. It shall evaluate such requests based on design criteria in the town bylaws. Its written findings shall be advisory to the Planning Board and shall be submitted to the Planning Board and the applicant along with any recommendations and conditions. Such findings shall contain explanation and rationale as appropriate.
Contact Information:
Land Use Department
Shannon Soares
Jeffrey Doherty, Chair 2017-18
How to Get on the Design Review Board:
Apply online in June/July for annual openings, or anytime during the year for unanticipated vacancies: