Planning Board – Did You Know?

The Planning Board consists of nine members, elected for five-year terms on a rotating basis. The Board typically meets every second and fourth Monday of the month. The board may choose to schedule site walks as needed, typically on Saturday mornings. Check the town calendar for exact dates, times and locations. During their meetings, the Planning Board holds public hearings on many of the applications before the board. The exact time of each public hearing is noted in the agenda and comments from members of the public are accepted at these times.
The Land Use Department and the Planning Board are involved in planning and permitting in a variety of subject areas, including preparation of an Open Space and Recreation Plan every 5 years, review of new development projects, and the coordinating of construction inspections for new residential development infrastructure.
The Planning Board’s duties, some of which are contained in M.G.L. c. 41 § 81A and the Hopkinton Zoning and General Bylaws, include adopting and coordinating implementation of the Master Plan, serving as the local authority for the Subdivision Control Law, and drafting, submitting and making recommendations on zoning amendments for consideration at Town Meeting. The Planning Board issues special permits for Open Space and Landscape Preservation Development; Flexible Community Development and Campus Style Development. The Board reviews and proposes the acceptance of streets as public ways, reviews and approves non-residential Site Plans, issues Scenic Roads permits and enforces violations, and
issues permits for earth removal and stormwater management facilities.
Planning Board representatives also serve on the following other Boards and Committees: Open Space Preservation Commission, Community Preservation Committee, Design Review Board, and Zoning Advisory Committee.
Contact Information:
Land Use Department
John Gelcich
Gary Trendel, Chair 2022-23
Planning Board website:
Town of Hopkinton Master Plan – April 2017 (PDF)
How to Get on the Planning Board:
Hopkinton Town Election is held every year on the third Monday in May. To run for Planning Board a person must be a registered voter in Hopkinton and either obtain and submit nomination papers by securing the signatures of 50 Hopkinton registered voters; or a person may qualify by being the top vote getter in one of the town political party caucuses; or a combination of both. Planning Board member is an unpaid volunteer position.