Weekly News Roundup for 11/11/18

This Week:
Election Results • Preliminary School Budget • DPW Facility Dedication • Winter Parking Ban Reminder • Mobil Station Expansion • Center School Re-Use Updates
Massachusetts election results at a glance from WBUR
- Statewide Results for Governor, Senate, Ballot Questions, US House and more
- Statehouse, District Attorneys and other races
Hopkinton Public Schools FY20 Preliminary Budget Overview
Budget Preview Presentation Takeaways:
- 132 new occupancy permits for homes and condos are expected to be issued by the end of June 2019, but we do not know how many HPS students will live in each unit.
- Every 20 new students added to HPS = 1.4 new Teachers (on average)
- Preliminary request is for 27.3 FTE (full-time equivalent) new positions for FY20 (2019-20 school year)
Board of Selectmen Update
The proposed tax rate for Fiscal Year 2019 is $17.17 per thousand of valuation. The Board of Assessors and the Principal Assessor will appear before the Board of Selectmen on 11/13/18 to present information to assist the Selectmen in making decisions in reference to property tax options. Read the full BOS Update
DPW Facility Dedication
Hopkinton’s DPW Facility was dedicated to the late Tom McIntyre on Saturday: http://hopkinton.wickedlocal.com/news/20181104/dpw-dedication
Winter Parking Ban Reminder
The DPW wishes to remind all Hopkinton residents of By-Laws pertaining to the parking of motor vehicles during the winter months.
Traffic Rules and Orders, Town of Hopkinton, Article lV, Section 8 “It shall be unlawful for the driver of any vehicle, other than for an emergency, to park said vehicle on any street between the hours of 1:00am to 6:00am from November 15 through April 1. http://www.hcam.tv/news/community-notice-winter-parking-ban-affect-starting-november-15th
Hopkinton: Mobil franchisee goes to court to fight rent hike
The expansion of the Mobil gas station on West Main Street which has recently received approval from various town boards including Planning Board, Conservation Commission, Historical Commission, and Board of Appeals, is now the subject of a lawsuit between the franchisee and the landlord. http://hopkinton.wickedlocal.com/news/20181102/hopkinton-mobil-franchisee-goes-to-court-to-fight-rent-hike
Hopkinton to further study costs of Center School reuse
The options include: Municipal use, leasing it to a third-party or selling to a private developer. A report by the Center School Re-Use Advisory Team recommends keeping the building for town use, but doesn’t include architectural designs or construction estimates. Selectmen unanimously voted to have Town Manager Norman Khumalo work with the Permanent Building Committee to explore options and bringing an article to Town Meeting for money for a feasibility study. http://hopkinton.wickedlocal.com/news/20181101/hopkinton-to-further-study-costs-of-center-school-reuse
Veteran’s Day
In observance of Veteran’s Day – Hopkinton Town Hall and Municipal Offices will be closed on Monday 11/12/2018.
Hopkinton UNOFFICIAL Election Results
Please see note below from Town Clerk Connor Degan: Attached are the unofficial results of the State Election in Hopkinton. These are not final numbers as we are still investigating a handful of provisional ballots. We have secured a turnout of 65.5% with 7,979 of 12,180 of registered voters
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new MBTA fare collection system – May 2020 cash will no longer be accepted
Please see below notice from the Office of Government and Public Affairs Co-op at the Massachusetts Department of Transportation: Hopefully you are aware that the MBTA is implementing a new fare collection system. There is a lot going on with the project to reach our May 2020 launch date, but
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