Town Meeting Results Day 2 (5/7/19)

Town Meeting Results Day 2 (5/7/19)

Read the Town Meeting Warrant 2019

  1. Purchase of Ladder Truck $1,200,000 – PASSED 256-11
  2. Public Safety Software Upgrade $375,000 – PASSED
  3. Town Hall Basement Renovation $200,000 – FAILED to get the required 2/3rd Vote. Yes 175 / No 112
  4. Security Cameras – School $200,000 – PASSED
  5. Center School Renovation and Reuse Feasibility Study $58,000 – PASSED
  6. Community Preservation Funds Allocation – PASSED
    From FY 2019 estimated revenues for Active/Passive Recreation $115,799.00
    From FY 2019 estimated revenues for Historic Resources Reserve $115,799.00
    From FY 2019 estimated revenues for Community Housing Reserve $115,799.00
    From FY 2019 estimated revenues for Open Space Reserve $115,799.00
    From FY 2019 estimated revenues for Budgeted Reserve $694,794.00
  7. Community Preservation Recommendations – ALL PASSED
    Amendment by Jim Monaghan to consider item 31D (Dog Park) separately. PASSED 228 – 72
    Amendment by Ken Parker to consider item 31H (EMC Park) separately. FAILED
    Motion to move Articles 31A, B, C, E, F, G, H – PASSED
    Motion to pass Article 31D Dog Park – PASSED Yes 191 / No 158
    1. A. $20,000 Historical Preservation for the preservation of land records in the Town Hall basement
    1. B. $3,750 Historical Preservation for the preservation of historical photographs by digitizing
    1. C. $10,000 Historical Preservation for the preservation and rehabilitation of the most at-risk cemetery headstones
    1. D. $20,000 for the design and engineering of a dog park at 66B Fruit Street, and
      $130,000 for the construction of the dog park (contingent on the receipt of a $250,000 grant from the Stanton Foundation)
    1. E. $25,000 Passive/Active Recreation for the design and installation of a lacrosse wall at the Fruit Street fields
    1. F. $25,000 Passive/Active Recreation for the engineering, materials, and installation of an irrigation system at the Pyne Field
    1. G. $50,000 Passive/Active Recreation to design a wetland crossing at 0 Wilson Street the purpose of which will allow the public to access other recreational lands
    1. H. $260,000 Undesignated Funds to replace all the existing equipment at the EMC Playground

ZONING BYLAW AMENDMENTS – Zoning Map for Reference

  1. Car Wash Use – Remove from Downtown Business District and allow in Industrial A District – Yes 226 / No 117 – FAILS to get the required 2/3rds
  2. Indoor Recreation Uses – allow in Industrial A District – PASSES
  3. Self-Storage Facilities – allow in Industrial A District (Citizen’s Petition) – FAILED
    Amendment by Mark Hyman to allow the use by Special Permit from the Board of Appeals only – FAILED
    Main Motion FAILED
  4. Associated Retail to Manufacturing Use – allow in Industrial A District & Industrial B District – PASSED
  5. OSMUD District (Legacy Farms) – Residents of Age-Restricted Housing – Remove the prohibition on children under 18 living in the 180 over-55 units – FAILED
  6. OSMUD District (Legacy Farms) – Affordable Housing – Remove the requirement for the over-55 affordable units to be built on site, allowing them to either be built off-site or for a payment in lieu of. – PASSED Unanimous
  7. OSMUD District (Legacy Farms) – Restricted Land Definition – add “cultural” to the list of allowed uses – PASSED

11:01 PM – Town Meeting Adjourned, to be continued until Wednesday, May 8 at 7:00 PM at Hopkinton Middle School. For full town meeting info visit: