Weekly News Roundup – 02/23/2020

Early voting starts Monday; effort is to reduce headaches on Super Tuesday • Next Steps for Main Street Corridor Project • Town Election Candidates Needed • Reminder from Hopkinton Police about Hands Free Law
Early voting starts Monday; effort is to reduce headaches on Super Tuesday
Area town and city clerks are expecting a strong turnout when early voting starts on Monday and runs through Friday. This year is the first in which early voting is an option in Massachusetts for a presidential primary.
The five extra days for voters are designed, in part, to reduce traffic and headaches on Super Tuesday – March 3 – when polls are open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. throughout the state.
“A lot of it was unplanned when we were budgeting this fiscal year,” said Hopkinton Town Clerk Connor Degan, adding that the town shifted resources in its budget this year to prioritize early voting dates.
Sample Ballots for all parties are available here
Next Steps for Main Street Corridor Project
In an effort to ensure that both property owners/abutters and the general public are kept up to date with the progress of the Main Street Corridor Project, a list of recently completed project tasks and next steps are outlined.
On Tuesday, February 25, 2020, the Select Board will meet to review the offer letter that will be sent to abutters. This letter includes the amount of compensation abutters will receive for easements and instructions and requirements to receive payment.
Town Election Candidates Needed
Considering running for local office, but don’t know where to begin?
To become a candidate a person must either obtain and submit nomination papers by securing the signatures of 50 Hopkinton registered voters by Tuesday, March 31; or a person may qualify by being the top vote-getter in one of the town political party caucuses. The Democratic and Republican caucus dates have not been announced yet, but are typically in early April.
Click here for details and an updated list of candidates
Reminder from Hopkinton Police about Hands Free Law
Please be aware that the new Hands Free Law becomes effective February 23rd. Drivers will not be allowed to hold, look at or use any electronic device while operating a motor vehicle.