Weekly News Roundup – 04/26/2020

Covid-19 Updates and Precautions • Executive Assistant to the Town Manager’s Office – Deadline Extended to May 4th • Upcoming Select Board Meeting Agenda includes Police Chief Ceremony • Virtual Community Outreach Meeting for proposed Cannabis Testing Laboratory • Mass. Schools To Close For Remainder Of School Year Due To Coronavirus • Local high schools near top of new rankings. Hopkinton ranks #3 • Virtual Community Outreach Meeting for proposed Cannabis Testing Laboratory • Planning Board Actions Taken for 4/13/20 and 4/23/20 • Town Manager’s Office – virtual “office hours” • Press Release: Thank you for Not Starting Here
Covid-19 Updates and Precautions
Covid-19 Resource page has moved to a new site below. This page provides information, maps and resources about the coronavirus response in our local area.
Visit Hopkinton, MA – Coronavirus Response Hub
As of 11:00 a.m. on 4/23/20, Hopkinton’s Health Department is reporting 71 total confirmed COVID-19 cases; 53 of those cases are active, with 17 recoveries and 1 death. You can see historical tracking and updates on Hopkinton’s Community Impact Dashboard. We are in “the surge” (expected peak) period. During this time, and as testing increases, we expect to continue to see an increase in active cases both in Hopkinton and throughout the Commonwealth.
The most recent update from April 23, includes new updates related to virtual town hall hours, eviction and foreclosure protections.
Most recent update from April 23, 2020
Executive Assistant to Town Manager’s Office – Deadline Extended to May 4th
Executive Assistant to the Town Manager’s Office – Revised Posting to Reflect Deadline Extended to Monday, May 4, 2020, due to Covid-19. If you submitted an application to the initial posting, you do not need to reapply. Once the Town reviews your application materials, you will receive a status notification to your candidacy.
Upcoming Select Board Meeting Agenda includes Police Chief Ceremony
The Select Board will conduct an official swearing-in ceremony for Police Chief Joseph E. Bennett III.
Mass. Schools To Close For Remainder Of School Year Due To Coronavirus
Gov. Charlie Baker made the announcement Tuesday at his daily press conference about state responses related to the coronavirus outbreak. Non-emergency childcare programs will remain closed through June 29. Residential special education schools are exempt.
LIST: Local high schools near top of new rankings. Hopkinton HS ranks #3
U.S. News and World Report released its rankings of the 2020 Best High Schools this week and many MetroWest and Milford area schools made the list.
The school ranked #190 nationally. The school’s overall score was 98.93 out of 100. Last year, the school ranked number six in the state and 266 nationally.
Graduation Rate: 98%; College Readiness: 83.5 out of 100; Student Enrollment: 1,153 in grades 9-12.
Virtual Community Outreach Meeting for proposed Cannabis Testing Laboratory
Notice is hereby given that a virtual Community Outreach Meeting for a proposed marijuana establishment is scheduled for Thursday, May 7, 2020, at 6:30 p.m.
View details for meeting link and phone number
Planning Board Actions Taken 4/13/20
The Planning Board meeting and public hearings for 4/13/20 were continued to April 23, 2020 at 7:00 PM. Many members of the public and planning board members were without power during the meeting time and they could not hold a meeting with full participation.
View Details of Planning Board Actions Taken 4/13/20
Planning Board Actions Taken 4/23/20
Legacy Farms update • Solar Farm 71 Frankland Road • 25-35 Main Street Municipal Parking Lot • Common Driveway 47-49 Stoney Brook Road • Zoning: Solar Overlay District • Zoning: Trash Removal for Garden Apartments & Village Housing Developments (Citizen’s Petition)
View details of Planning Board Actions Taken 4/23/20
Town Manager’s Office – virtual “office hours”
The Town Manager’s Office will be open for a virtual “office hours” drop-in on Thursday 4/23/2020 from 2pm – 4pm
View details for meeting link and phone number
Press Release: Thank you for Not Starting Here
Hopkinton, MA – (April 21, 2020) – The Town of Hopkinton is happy to report that it’s message to runners to refrain from coming to the start line in Hopkinton or attempting to run the marathon course on Patriots’ Day was well received. On Monday, April 20, instead of it all starting here, the start line in Hopkinton was quiet; no runners, no wheelchair racers, no spectators. The running community’s response to Hopkinton’s request, to support Governor Baker’s Stay-at-Home Advisory, was impressive, as almost no one ventured out on the Boston Marathon course” said Select Board Vice Chair and Boston Athletic Association (BAA).
Liaison John Coutinho. “Much credit goes to the Boston Athletic Association, its charity teams, and the media for getting the word out to a wide-ranging audience.”