Weekly News Update – 12/05/2021

Main Street Corridor Project – Weekly Update • Parks & Rec roundup: Turf fields project in design phase; commission optimistic about future projects • School Committee votes to institute another mask-optional trial period at HHS • Hopkinton seeks feedback on Temporary PFAS Solution • Firetruck destroyed in fire was Hopkinton pumper • HYFS offers behavioral health screenings • Upper Charles Trail Progress Report – Dec. 8, 2021 at 7 PM • Meeting Notice – Fill Board of Library Trustees Vacancy – 12-7-2021 • Monthly trail volunteer day this Saturday
Main Street Corridor Project – Weekly Update
What to Expect for the Week of December 6, 2021
- Installation of Ductbanks
- Start at EMH “A” (76 Main) to EMH “B” ( 66 Main)
- Start at EMH “B” (66 Main) to EMH “C” (65 Main)
- MassDOT Survey Crews to continue to locate limits of easements within the corridor
- Delivery of Electric Materials
RELATED: Live Construction Video Feeds are available for the Main Street Corridor Project, check where crews are working and traffic / weather conditions before you leave your home or office.
Parks & Rec roundup: Turf fields project in design phase; commission optimistic about future projects
At its meeting on Wednesday, the Parks & Recreation Commission reviewed plans for the Fruit Street fields and discussed budgeting and future Parks & Recreation projects. Kathy Hervol of Gale Associates presented schematic designs for the Fruit Street fields turf replacement. The next step for the project would include proceeding with final design documents.
School Committee votes to institute another mask-optional trial period at HHS
Following the success of the mask-optional trial period for COVID-vaccinated students and staff at Hopkinton High School over the first three weeks in November, the School Committee voted 4-0-1 at Thursday’s meeting to implement a second trial period, running Dec. 6-23.
Hopkinton seeks feedback on Temporary PFAS Solution
In response to the recent detection of PFAS compounds in Well #6 located on Fruit Street, the Hopkinton Department of Public Works is expected to provide a temporary solution for providing water that is below the Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) for PFAS while a permanent mitigation plan is executed. The Town has identified four options for Hopkinton to consider as a temporary mitigation strategy. A subjective, preliminary breakdown of economic, social, and environmental impacts for each option is provided.
Firetruck destroyed in fire was Hopkinton pumper
The pumper truck that was destroyed in an overnight fire earlier this week at a local business belongs to the Hopkinton Fire Department, Fire Chief William Miller confirmed on Thursday.
The department is evaluating its options, including “mitigating” the impact of the vehicle’s loss, after the fire at Bulldog Fire Apparatus early Wednesday morning, Miller said. He declined to say how old the vehicle was, or provide its monetary value.
HYFS offers behavioral health screenings
Upper Charles Trail Progress Report – Dec. 8, 2021 at 7 PM
The Hopkinton Upper Charles Trail Committee will hold a Public Meeting to update and inform Hopkinton residents on the current status of the overall trail project, which is an 8-mile trail through Hopkinton extending from Milford to Ashland. Following a presentation by our Committee Chair and VHB Engineering Consultants, participants will be invited to ask questions.
Public meeting topics include:
- Video flyover of trail with narrative
- Preferred alignment based primarily on available Town owned parcels
- Negotiations for easements and acquisitions of private parcels
The forum will be held on December 8, 2021 at 7 PM at the Hopkinton Senior Center and will also be televised on HCAM (Comcast 8 / Verizon 30 / YouTube).
Upper Charles Trail Committee Progress Report 2021 Announcement
The Hopkinton Trails Club has posted an alternative to the Upper Charles Trail Committee’s proposed route which is available on the Trails Club’s website.
Meeting Notice – Fill Board of Library Trustees Vacancy – 12-7-2021
Per Section 4-11(b) of the Town of Hopkinton Charter, the Select Board hereby gives notice that the Select Board and the remaining members of the Board of Library Trustees will vote to fill one Board of Library Trustees vacancy with a term to expire at the May 2022 Annual Town Election, on Tuesday, December, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. in Room 215/216 at the Hopkinton Town Hall, 18 Main St., Hopkinton MA.
Monthly trail volunteer day this Saturday
The Hopkinton Trail Coordination and Management Committee (TCMC) and the Hopkinton Trails Club have created a monthly trail volunteer day on the first Saturday of each month. The second monthly trail volunteer day is set for this Saturday (Dec. 4) from 9 a.m.-noon.