Weekly News Update – 02/27/2022

Update: Town Election Candidates 2022 • UPPER CHARLES TRAIL PROJECT – PART 1: THE BEGINNINGS • Town of Hopkinton FY23 Comprehensive Budget – March 1, 2022 Listening Session: Developing a Shared Sense of Growth with Equity
Update: Town Election Candidates 2022
Considering running for local office, but don’t know where to begin? To become a candidate a person must either obtain and submit nomination papers by securing the signatures of 50 Hopkinton registered voters by Tuesday, March 28, 2022 or a person may qualify by being the top vote-getter in one of the town political party caucuses, which are typically held in early April. Nomination signature papers are available from the Town Clerk’s office (18 Main St) starting January 18, 2022. Please email or call the Town Clerk’s office with questions at townclerk@hopkintonma.gov 508-497-9710. Click on the name of any elected office listed below to read more about it.
- School Committee
- Housing Authority
- Constable
In 2012, the Upper Charles Trail Committee (UCTC) was established in Hopkinton to plan and develop Hopkinton’s portion of the Upper Charles Trail. This regional trail would eventually link five towns – Hopkinton, Milford, Holliston, Sherborn, Ashland. Hopkinton’s portion will connect to the sections in Milford, which has been completed and Ashland, which is currently in the designing stage.
To learn more about the project, the history and challenges that have been highlighted in the 2014-15 Conway Study Report, click on the article below. More articles and updates will be available soon.
Town of Hopkinton FY23 Comprehensive Budget – March 1, 2022 Listening Session: Developing a Shared Sense of Growth with Equity
Tuesday, March 1, 2022 6:30 pm Online via Zoom
Webinar ID: 833 7099 1944
Passcode: 673348
The Select Board, your Town Manager, and Department Heads invite you to share your thoughts and feedback on the Proposed Fiscal Year 2023 Comprehensive Budget. This will be a virtual listening session in which the Select Board and Staff will listen to your feedback and answer questions on the proposed Budget. Bringing together town residents to engage in a shared conversation around the proposed Budget, the strategic choices made, the distribution of costs and benefits of town services, and the anticipated tax impact is a crucial step in the development of the Town’s Budget. Your collective input and feedback are vital to the alignment of the Town’s expenditures with the community’s needs, while strengthening the Town’s economic viability in the short-term and medium-term.