Weekly News Update – 04/17/2022

Know Your Vote – eHop Spotlight Forum • Main Street Corridor Project – Weekly Update • Here’s who is running for office in Hopkinton’s May 16 annual election • TOWN ELECTION 2022 – CANDIDATES & BALLOT QUESTIONS • UCTC votes to recommend no action on its trail funding requests at Town Meeting • Upper Charles Trail Committee Workshop: April 13, 2022 • Upper Charles Trail Committee calls meeting to discuss controversial Town Meeting funding request • Parks & Rec roundup: Fruit Street fields bid documents released • Select Board roundup: Town Meeting to be held at high school; pair of police cadets conditionally approved • Fire on Clinton Street could lead to water discoloration in town
Know Your Vote – eHop Spotlight Forum
Get your questions answered from our Town officials before the Annual Town Meeting!
HCAM-TV (Comcast 8 / Verizon 30). Residents are encouraged to submit questions before or during the forum by email (knowyourvote@ehop.org), via Facebook (@ehop01748), or by commenting on the YouTube Livestream. Share this event with neighbors and friends in Hopkinton.
Main Street Corridor Project – Weekly Update
What to Expect for the Week of April 18, 2022 to April 22, 2021
- No Work Scheduled for Monday, April 18 due to the Boston Marathon
- Continue Utility work along Main Street in front of the Fire Station and CVS
- Delivery of Electric materials
RELATED: Live Construction Video Feeds are available for the Main Street Corridor Project, check where crews are working and traffic / weather conditions before you leave your home or office.
The 2022 Boston Marathon will be held on Monday April 18th
Roads immediately surrounding the Hopkinton Town Common, which includes Main Street (Route 135) from Hayden Rowe to Ash, will close to traffic at 6:30 am. Other main and secondary roads in the vicinity will close to traffic at 7:00 am. You can see Hopkinton’s road closure reference map for more details. Live updates on Monday regarding Marathon updates and road openings will be posted on Hopkinton’s Twitter account.
You can find additional info and resources on Hopkinton’s Boston Marathon Page, or on the BAA’s Boston Marathon Page. Hopkinton Town Hall, Library, and other municipal buildings will be closed for the Patriots’ Day Holiday.
Here’s who is running for office in Hopkinton’s May 16 annual election
Voters will soon decide who represents them on the Select Board and School Committee amongst other commissions and boards.
Hopkinton’s annual election is set for May 16. Polls will be open from 7am to 8pm at Hopkinton Middle School, 88 Hayden Rowe St. Voters can cast their ballots in the school’s gym.
UCTC votes to recommend no action on its trail funding requests at Town Meeting
The committee had requested CPC funding totaling $411,600 for Segments 5 and 6 of the campus trail connector, which would start at the end of the Center Trail on Loop Road, cross over Hayden Rowe Street and run behind Marathon School and across land where the schools hope to construct a new elementary school.
UCTC Chair Jane Moran said since the request originally was made, the committee has learned new information and continues to receive public input. “We were in a very different place than we are in now,” she said.
Upper Charles Trail Committee Workshop: April 13, 2022
Upper Charles Trail Committee calls meeting to discuss controversial Town Meeting funding request
The Upper Charles Trail Committee has scheduled a meeting for Wednesday at 11 a.m. to “consider and vote whether to proceed with the committee’s request to the Community Preservation Committee for funding at the Annual Town Meeting for Campus Connector Segments 5 and 6.”
Parks & Rec roundup: Fruit Street fields bid documents released
Fruit Street Fields
At its meeting Monday night, the Parks & Recreation Commission discussed updates on the Fruit Street fields replacement project, property requests and summer programming.
Guelfi also reported that the department will be spending about $3,000 on repairing the current turf, work that might begin this week. Some portions of the current field may be reused to surface the lacrosse wall area.
Property requests approved
The Hopkinton Board of Health requested and was granted use of the Town Common on Sept. 17 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. for a health and wellness fair. The event will feature health information, music, entertainment and food trucks.
Additional updates shared
Summer programming registration and revenue continue to outpace fiscal year 2019 by about 15 percent, Guelfi reported. “It’s good news that people are engaged and happy with what we’re offering,” he said. The department also will be offering a new filmmaking class for kids ages 10-14 in an attempt to provide more activity options amid STEM program waitlists.
Select Board roundup: Town Meeting to be held at high school; pair of police cadets conditionally approved
Annual Town Meeting
Annual Town Meeting will be held at the Hopkinton High School Athletic Center, the Select Board decided at Tuesday’s meeting.
Town Meeting normally is held at the Hopkinton Middle School auditorium, but the Health Department recommended the field house, which is larger and allows for more room between people, and has better air flow.
Police cadets conditionally approved
Two individuals who currently are in the Police Academy appeared before the board for interviews and were conditionally offered positions as officers.
Fire on Clinton Street could lead to water discoloration in town
Due to the Fire Department utilizing hydrants to fight a fire on Clinton Street early Saturday morning, the Water and Sewer Department is cautioning residents that there might be some water discoloration throughout the system. Residents are advised to check their water before using it and flush the cold water lines if necessary.