Weekly News Update – 08/28/22

State Primary Election Information • School Committee roundup: Public forums scheduled for Elmwood School replacement project • Main Street Corridor Project Update • Deputy Police Chief Porter placed on administrative leave
State Primary Election Information
There is a State Primary Election Coming Up on September 6, early voting begins on Saturday, Aug 27th until Sep 2nd, and mail-in voting is already underway. Learn more about the candidates and your voting options on eHop.
- Absentee or Early Mail-In Voting
- Early In-Person
- In-Person on Election Day
School Committee roundup: Public forums scheduled for Elmwood School replacement project
Grade configurations and a timetable for public forums related to the Elmwood School replacement project were topics of discussion during Monday’s School Committee meeting.
The schedule was featured during a further review of Superintendent Carol Cavanaugh’s goals, which likely will be voted on during a September board meeting.
Main Street Corridor Project Update
What to Expect for the Week of August 29, 2022, to September 1, 2022
East Side of Project and Project Wide
- Comcast Ductbank work from the Muffin House to the east end of project limit
- Continue the service connections project wide
West Side of Project
- Install new granite curb – along Main Street working eastbound to the Fire Station
- Fine Grade and Compact sidewalks between Wood Street and the Fire Station
- Start forming Concrete Sidewalks from West Main Street towards the Fire Station – mainly on the south side of the road
- Concrete sidewalk work will be at the end of driveways; affected property owners will be notified in advance as driveway access will be impacted;Emergency vehicle access will be maintained
85/135 Intersection
- Continue grading the road at the intersection – from 6am to 7am on Monday only
- Pave the road at the intersection – from 7am to 5/6pm – expected to take 2 days
- Temporary traffic markings on newly paved area – estimated to take place middle/end of week
- One lane of traffic will be maintained and the eastbound detour – from Pleasant Street to Maple Street to Hayden Rowe will be utilized
- Walcott Street will be open to two-way traffic during the detour and will revert to one-way traffic when the road is opened up
Read more details about the Main Street Corridor Project
Live video feeds of traffic conditions
Deputy Police Chief Porter placed on administrative leave
Hopkinton Police Chief Joseph Bennett announced via press release Saturday that Deputy Chief John Porter has been placed on administrative leave pending the outcome of an investigation.
The announcement indicated Porter was notified of his status on Thursday, and because there is an active investigation, no additional information can be released.
Public Notice: Warning posted for State Park main beach
The Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) posted a warning for the main beach at Hopkinton State Park.
The warning is due to high bacteria levels in the water based on test results released Wednesday.