Weekly News Update – 04/30/23 – Town Meeting Edition

Annual Town Meeting 2023
Begins Monday, May 1, 2023 at 7:00 PM at Hopkinton Middle School. By tradition the meeting ends at 11:00 PM and continues on consecutive evenings from 7:00-11:00 PM until all articles are voted. Annual Town Meeting typically lasts 2-3 nights.
Key Documents
Mobile-Friendly Documents – Save paper & read them on your phone at Town Meeting:
- Interactive 2023 Annual Town Warrant and Motions ESRI StoryMap
- Interactive FY24 Capital Expenses & Projects Requests ESRI StoryMap
PDFs and Other Documents:
- 2023 Town Meeting Warrant PDF (Final)
- 2023 Warrant & Motions Document PDF (Final)
- Presentations & Handouts for Annual Town Meeting (Google Folder)
- Appropriation Committee Report & Recommendations
Take a Deep Dive into the Details:
- eHop Town Meeting Webpage
- Town Webpage for Town Meeting 2023 & FY24 Budget
- School Webpage for FY24 Budget

Bonus Content
eHop will be providing reusable stainless steel water bottles this year, but you have to come to Town Meeting in person to get one! Free, while supplies last…
Key Town Meeting Articles for 2023
- ARTICLE 5 Town & School Operating Budget
- ARTICLE 13 Wilson Street Solar Farm PILOT Agreement
- ARTICLE 15 New Sidewalk – Chestnut St $515K
- ARTICLE 16 New Sidewalk – EMC Park to Blueberry Lane $187K
- ARTICLE 17 Fire Station 2 Architectural and Engineering Design – $70K
- ARTICLE 18 Hopkinton Public Schools HVAC Renewal Work $1.5M
- ARTICLE 19 Hopkins School Addition Design $800K Debt Exclusion + $2.2M from School Stabilization Fund
- ARTICLE 20 Roadway Paving – Pratt Way and Cemeteries
- ARTICLE 24 J Cricket Pitch – Community Preservation Funds
- ARTICLE 24 L Housing Authority Outdoor Space Improvements – Community Preservation Funds
- ARTICLE 25 Inclusionary Development Bylaw – Zoning Change
- ARTICLE 28 – 0-2 West Elm Street – Zoning Change to Business District
- ARTICLE 29 – South Street / Hayward Street – Zoning Change to Rural Business District
- ARTICLE 46 Net Zero Resolution
- ARTICLES 47 & 48 Upper Charles Trail Citizens Petitions
Know Your Vote
Video: Watch the replay of eHop’s Know Your Vote 2023 on YouTube
Town Meeting 101
Never been to Hopkinton Town Meeting before? Don’t worry, you are not alone, 90% of registered voters have not attended ANY of the last 6 Annual Town Meetings! Watch our short video to see how it works…
You do not need to bring anything to Town Meeting. However, many people find that bringing a phone/tablet (silenced) or a notebook and pen or pencil is helpful to make notes during the discussions. Only water is allowed in the auditorium, no other food or drink is allowed in the room. There is a reusable water bottle filling station and a drinking fountain outside the auditorium. Many people also find that something to occupy one’s hands is helpful. If you are a knitter, for example, bring a small project. There are plenty of padded stationary folding auditorium style chairs, which are reasonably comfortable. But remember you’ll be there for a long time, so wear comfortable clothes.
Town Meeting begins at 7 pm and is typically held in the Middle School Auditorium. Allow time to park and walk to the building. As you enter the building head directly to the sign-in tables. To actually vote in the auditorium, you must be a Hopkinton resident registered to vote and you must sign in at the voter table. Your name will be checked off and you’ll be given a small piece of paper marked “Voter Pass.” Hold on to this slip of paper; you will need it when it is time for the votes to be counted. Handouts: You may opt to save paper by viewing the documents on your phone and skip the handouts table (recommended). There will be a table of handouts and fact sheets regarding all the proposed articles to be voted on from the town boards and committees. There is some terrific information here that may answer many of your questions. The information will also be displayed on the auditorium screen above the stage during the meeting. Listening devices for the hearing impaired are available. In addition, CART live captioning will be provided, as well as ASL interpretation. Please ask when you check in if you have any questions.
You do not have to be present for the entire town meeting to vote, though the more that participate in whole, the more balanced the democratic process. A quorum of 1% of the registered voters (128 voters) in town is needed for the transaction of any business. There is no set time to check in. The meeting will be broadcast live via HCAM TV (Comcast 8/Verizon 30/Streaming live at www.hcam.tv), but you MUST be present to vote. You just need to check in prior to the vote, whenever you arrive. You only have to check in once, and you can come and go from the auditorium as you please. You can text (with phone switched to silent mode) from within the auditorium, although there is minimal cell coverage. Step outside to make a phone call.
The Select Board presides over the meeting, which is facilitated by the Town Moderator, Ellen Rutter, and recorded by the Town Clerk, Connor Degan. The format of the meeting itself follows procedures set out in the Town Bylaws (similar to Robert’s Rules of Order). Articles are presented, motions made, discussions ensue. Sometimes it can be a little confusing if an amendment comes up, so keep your ears open. Listen carefully — and you’ll learn a lot.
The committee or board presenting each article may make a brief presentation before each article. The Town Moderator will facilitate a question and answer period for registered residents. If you choose to ask a question or comment on an article, step up to one of the microphones located in the auditorium aisles. Wait for the moderator, to recognize you, then state your name and address, and keep your comments brief, civil, and to the point. The comment, question and answer period will end when either #1 the moderator sees that no one else is waiting at the microphone to speak or #2 a voter comes to the microphone, is recognized by the moderator, and says “I move the question” or “I call the question.” The motion to end debate must then be seconded and then adopted by a ⅔ vote.
As for the actual voting, most votes start as a voice vote. The moderator asks all in favor and all opposed. If the voice vote sounds close, it will go to a standing count. The moderator will ask all in favor to stand up. Now is the time to get out that piece of paper you received when you checked-in. Hold out your Voter Pass and remain standing until the counters for your section have indicated that your vote has been recorded.
Although you can leave at any time, we recommend you do NOT leave until the meeting is officially adjourned. Someone may ask for a recount, and if a large group has already left, the outcome could be different, especially if the original vote was close. If you have any other questions about Town Meeting, please ask.