Weekly News Update – 07/29/2023

Weekly News Update – 07/29/2023

Snowball effect of capital needs highlighted by School Committee • Board of Health roundup: Health Department clarifies communication about YMCA potable water quality • Water quality at Sandy Beach remains safe, testing shows • State reimbursement, traffic on ESBC’s agenda • Planning Board roundup: Center School reuse, MBTA Communities law discussed • Parks & Rec roundup: Band requests Sandy Beach for music video • CPC addresses confusion about land considered for Upper Charles Trail Main Street Corridor Project Update

Snowball effect of capital needs highlighted by School Committee

The Hopkinton School Committee on Thursday reviewed updates to the district’s capital plan and talked about enrollment in conjunction with the proposed new Elmwood School and Hopkins School addition.

Assistant Superintendent of Finance/Operations Susan Rothermich focused on a series of “if/then” scenarios during her presentation. The Elmwood replacement project is working with a $170 million “placeholder” figure for fiscal year 2024. It is anticipated the total will be reduced once the Massachusetts School Building Authority and Mass Save and other energy incentives are factored in.

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Board of Health roundup: Health Department clarifies communication about YMCA potable water quality

Health Department Director Shaun McAuliffe at Monday night’s Board of Health meeting addressed resident concerns about water quality at the YMCA following last month’s Board of Health meeting that noted the identification of PFAS in a secondary well.

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Water quality at Sandy Beach remains safe, testing shows

While the upper and main beaches at Hopkinton State Park remain closed due to high bacteria counts, the water quality at Sandy Beach remains safe for swimming and boating, providing an oasis for Hopkinton residents during the weekend’s scorching temperatures.

On Friday, Health Department director Shaun McAuliffe released water quality reports for Sandy Beach. Samples were taken by Health Department staff to analyze for E. coli, a bacteria that can cause diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and stomach cramping if ingested, according to the Mayo Clinic.

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State reimbursement, traffic on ESBC’s agenda

A review of changes to the Massachusetts School Building Authority reimbursement process and another look at a traffic study dominated Tuesday’s Elementary School Building Committee meeting.

The MSBA reacted to changes in the Massachusetts Energy Code involving its shifted focus from energy reduction measures to heating and cooling demand reduction, or Thermal Energy Demand Intensity (TEDI).

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Planning Board roundup: Center School reuse, MBTA Communities law discussed

The Planning Board at its meeting Monday night discussed several potential reuses for the Center School property and how they would fit into compliance requirements for the MBTA Communities zoning law.

Dan McIntyre, the chair of the Permanent Building Committee, appeared before the board to seek its input because the Permanent Building Committee currently is working on a facilities study to determine the best use for several town properties. They include Town Hall, the Center School site, the Fruit Street site and potentially the Elmwood School site, assuming a replacement school is built.

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Parks & Rec roundup: Band requests Sandy Beach for music video

A Boston-based alternative rock band requested permission to film a music video at Sandy Beach in September, the Parks & Recreation Department interim director announced at Wednesday’s Parks & Recreation Commission meeting.

Fees for school field, gym use to increase

Terry shared that he was informed by the Hopkinton Public Schools that the fees to use its fields and gyms will be increasing effective September 1st.

Director candidates to be interviewed

Savage told the committee that eight candidates for the permanent director’s position will participate in the interview process beginning on July 27.

Dog park pavilion options researched

Commissioner Laura Hanson noted that she has looked into options for materials for the proposed dog park pavilion.

Town Common usage request for library solar program OK’d

Danielle Cook, the reference and technology supervisor at the Hopkinton Public Library, requested to use the Town Common for a program on solar science and solar eclipses.

Skate park progress shared

Terry announced that the skate park project at EMC Park was put out to bid. Once drainage work is completed over the summer, construction is slated to begin in the fall.

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CPC addresses confusion about land considered for Upper Charles Trail

The Community Preservation Committee at its meeting Thursday night discussed an apparent misunderstanding about the parameters of outreach required for a $40,000 grant approved at May’s Annual Town Meeting for the Trail Coordination and Management Committee. The TCMC was to conduct a preliminary engineering study for the proposed western alternative route for the Upper Charles Trail.

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Main Street Corridor Project Update

What to Expect for the Week of July 31st to August 4th, 2023

East Side of Project

  • Grading the bike path between the Muffin House and Hayden Rowe
  • Various on-site clean-up

West Side of Project

  • Installing foundations and posts for crosswalk beacons at Pleasant Street and Commonwealth Ave.
  • Various on-site clean-up

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