Weekly News Update – 11/26/23 – Special Town Election Edition

Weekly News Update – 11/26/23 – Special Town Election Edition

Special Town Election 11/28/23 • Board & Committee Openings • Commission on Disability Survey • Senior Needs Survey • Cultural District Partnership • Board & Committee Meeting Recaps • Public Safety News • Main Street Project Update

Special Town Election – Elmwood School Replacement

Tuesday, November 28, 2023 – Polls are open 7:00 AM – 8:00 PM
Hopkinton Middle School Brown Gym, 88 Hayden Rowe St

Absentee Ballots must reach the Town Clerk’s office by the close of polls (8:00 PM on 11/28/23). They may be returned by mail, or dropped off in person either inside the Town Hall during regular hours or after hours in the secure drop-box outside of Town Hall for this purpose.

Hopkinton Special Town Election Specimen Ballot – November 28, 2023 (PDF)

Polling Location at the Middle School
Specimen Ballot 11-28-2023
Specimen Ballot
Ballot Drop Box
Ballot Drop Box at Town Hall

Question 1

Shall the Town of Hopkinton be allowed to be exempt from the provisions of Proposition two-and-one-half, so called, the amounts required to pay for the bonds issued in order to design, construct, and furnish the new Hopkinton Elmwood Elementary, located on the Hayden Rowe site at 147 Hayden Rowe, for 1195 students in grades 2-4, inclusive of all building, mechanical systems along with associated site work improvements?

  • A YES vote would mean that the borrowing is approved and the expenditure will proceed.
  • A NO vote would mean that the borrowing is disapproved and the expenditure cannot proceed without a future ballot vote within 90 days.

Votes Needed: 2/3rds Majority at Town Meeting 11/13/2023 -AND – a Simple Majority at Special Town Election 11/28/2023

Cost: The estimated net Town cost, after expected reimbursements, is $90.6 million, and amount is expected to be borrowed in phases between 2023 and 2028:

Projected Tax Impact: Based on the the “average” Hopkinton single family home with a current
valuation of $753,300 (current average home tax $11,910), and a 30 year borrowing, the tax
impact is:

  • Peak year 2028, $952 (+8%); dropping to $726 in 2040; $538 in 2050; and $0 in 2058
  • The average homeowners’s share of total borrowing would be $12,413
  • The average homeowner’s payments over the life of the borrowing would be $21,167

Board & Committee Openings

Two elected boards, School Committee and Planning Board each have an unexpected midyear vacancy to fill. There also remain several unfilled vacancies on appointed boards.

School Committee Vacancy due to the resignation of Holly Morand. Read about the duties and responsibilities of the School Committee on eHop. Read the full School Committee Vacancy Announcement 2023-11-22.

Planning Board Vacancy due to the resignation of Navdeep Arora. Read about the duties and responsibilities of the Planning Board on eHop. Read the full Planning Board Vacancy Announcement 2023-11-15. The appointment will be made at a joint meeting of the Select Board and Planning Board on Monday, December 4, 2023 7:00 PM.

Appointed Boards:

The following Town boards & committees will have one or more anticipated vacancies. Read the full list on eHop.

  • Appropriation Committee
  • Board of Appeals
  • Design Review Board
  • HCAM Board of Directors
  • Hopkinton Historic District Commission
  • Personnel Committee
  • Upper Charles Trail Committee
  • Veterans Celebration Committee
  • Youth Commission
  • Zoning Advisory Committee

Please see the Town website at hopkintonma.gov for information about the duties of specific boards and committees. Interested residents must apply via the online volunteer application form. Never served on a Board or Committee before? Take a look at Hopkinton’s Board/Committee Orientation Handbook to get a better idea of what to expect.

Please note that all current board and committee members interested in reappointment MUST apply online via the link above. Appointments would be made at an upcoming meeting of the relevant appointing authority. For questions, please contact Elaine Lazarus or Vasudha Dutta at 508-497-9701 vdutta@hopkintonma.gov.

School Committee News

Read “School Committee reacts to vote, continues budget talks” by Susan Gonsalves in the Hopkinton Independent 11/17/23

Read “School Committee hears more department budget requests, talks Hopkins addition” by Susan Gonsalves in the Hopkinton Independent 11/3/23

Read “MCAS scores show Hopkinton students meet or exceed targets” by Susan Gonsalves in the Hopkinton Independent 10/26/23

Planning Board News

Read “Planning Board endorses Elmwood Farms subdivision plan off Blueberry Lane” by by Mary Ellen Gambon in the Hopkinton Independent 11/07/23

Voting Rights

Read “Legacy Farms resident with H-1B visa questions lack of voting rights” by Mary Ellen Gambon in the Hopkinton Independent 11/20/23

Parks & Recreation News

Read “Parks & Recreation Commission discusses upcoming Community Planning Input session, skateboard jam” by Mary Ellen Gambon in the Hopkinton Independent 11/09/23

Community Preservation Committee News

Read “Community Preservation Committee kicks off FY 25 grant application review process” by Mary Ellen Gambon in the Hopkinton Independent 10/20/23

Read “CPC continues review of FY25 applications” by Mary Ellen Gambon in the Hopkinton Independent 11/10/23

Conservation Commission News

Read “Conservation Commission OKs withdrawal of 188-190 Fruit Street application” by Mary Ellen Gambon in the Hopkinton Independent 11/15/23

Trails Coordination & Management Committee (TCMC) News

Read “Trails Committee discusses future Legacy Farms South trail, improvements to signage, accessibility” by Mary Ellen Gambon in the Hopkinton Independent 11/16/23

Open Space Committee News

Read “Open Space Preservation Commission approves boardwalks, land swap at development off Whisper Way” by Mary Ellen Gambon in the Hopkinton Independent 11/17/23

Board of Health News

Read “Board of Health approves new town biosafety regulation” by Mary Ellen Gambon in the Hopkinton Independent 11/01/23


What to Expect for Winter 2023-24

The project is currently in winter shutdown. The contractor, A.F. Amorello & Sons, is offsite until spring 2024, barring any emergencies or repairs.

Project Status

  • Winterization of the project is substantially complete.
  • Verizon poles have been set.
  • MassDOT is pushing for a full replacement of all peeling traffic signal poles; to be done next year.
  • Eversource transformers are not available, preventing completion of the undergrounding of utilities which will require a new end date to be set for the project. No final date has yet been confirmed. The goal is to position the project to be ready when transformers are available. Eversource will explore any additional work that can be completed over the winter.
  • Weekly Construction Advisories will resume next year.

Anticipated Work – Spring 2024

  • Completion of undergrounding of utilities when transformers are available.
  • Final paving and brick work will occur next year.
  • Replacement of peeling traffic signal poles.
  • Tree plantings will take place next year.

See hopkintonmainstreet.com for details

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