Zoning Bylaw & Map Changes – Public Hearing 2/22

In advance of Town Meeting, the Planning Board will hold a public hearing on proposed amendments to the zoning bylaw and/or zoning map on Mon Feb 22 @ 7:30pm (Snow Date 2/23) at Town Hall. Members of the public are invited to attend. Questions? Contact the Land Use Department at 508-497-9745.
- Adopt provisions pertaining to dog day care facilities, including a definition of the use, a new bylaw that includes the requirement for a special permit, regulations on minimum lot area, maximum number of dogs, hours of operation, odor and noise control, and parking.
Dog Day Care Facilities draft 2-2-16 - Adopt provisions pertaining to animal shelters, including a definition of the use, a parking requirement, and a new bylaw which requires a special permit for the use and contains regulations pertaining to items such as minimum lot area, noise, odor and screening requirements.
Animal Shelters draft 2-2-16 - Modify the Hotel Overlay District to reduce the amount of meeting room/function space required, change the reference to restaurants, and to change “health club” to “fitness center”.
Hotel Overlay District draft 2-2-16 - Adopt a new Elmwood Park Business District (EPBD), a new definition of “licensed medical care facility for inpatient and outpatient services”, change the zoning district of about 54 acres from Industrial B District to EPBD, remove the area from the Hotel Overlay District, modify the Sign bylaw to reference the EPBD, and reference the EPBD in the list of zoning districts…
Elmwood Park Business District draft 2-2-16
Proposed Elmwood Park Business District Map
- Sign Bylaw including the removal of references to sign content, adoption of new definitions, and general revisions to regulations including temporary signs, sign lighting, size and number.
Sign Bylaw draft 2-2-16
Document depicting proposed changes to Sign Bylaw 2-2-16 - Modify the Garden Apartments in Residential Districts Bylaw, including changes to the references to open space and historic buildings and structures. Adopt a new special permit criterion which references the statutory goal to provide 10% of the housing stock as affordable housing.
Garden Apartments and Village Housing bylaws draft 2-2-16 - Modify the Village Housing in Residential Districts Bylaw, including changes to the references to open space and historic buildings and structures. Adopt a new special permit criterion which references the statutory goal to provide 10% of the housing stock as affordable housing. Adopt a site plan approval criterion which requires a host community agreement.
Garden Apartments and Village Housing bylaws draft 2-2-16 - Senior Housing Development – Repeal Article XVIA
Senior Housing Development Bylaw draft 2-2-16 - Amend Site Plan Review and Open Space and Landscape Preservation Development Bylaws to references § 210-117.2, lots with historic structures.
Site Plan Review and OSLPD Bylaws draft 2-2-16