Spotlight on Water Updates

Please be advised that the water department has stopped the refill process and allowed the smaller water tank on Grove St. to drain in preparation for demolition this summer. As a result, we will be losing 320,000 gallons of storage at a time when demand is usually at its peak. It is IMPERATIVE that EVERYONE follows the twice per week water use restrictions that are in place and can be found here. It is of the upmost importance that everyone adheres to restrictions, to ensure proper storage levels for essential daily needs and for fire protection.
Although Massachusetts is no longer in a drought, please keep in mind that the DEP imposes annual mandatory water use restrictions on users of the Hopkinton municipal water system from May 1 through September 31 of each year. Watering lawns, including the use of lawn sprinklers, is allowed for up to two days per week, before 7:00 a.m. and after 7:00 p.m. All other non-essential use is permitted daily before 9:00 a.m. and after 5:00 p.m. The following table details when residents may water their lawns based on the voting precinct in which they live (find your precinct):
- Precinct 1 Tuesdays and Thursdays
- Precinct 2 Wednesdays and Fridays
- Precinct 3 Tuesdays and Thursdays
- Precinct 4 Wednesdays and Fridays
Watering lawns is prohibited on Saturdays, Sundays, and Mondays. The following penalties apply to violations of this Mandatory State of Water Supply Conservation:
- First offense – written warning
- Second offense – $100 fine
- Third offense and beyond – water service may be suspended
More information on this Mandatory Action is available at
Water & Sewer Rates
In a continued public hearing, selectmen voted at their June 20 meeting to set the water and sewer rates for the upcoming fiscal year, keeping water rates flat and increasing sewer rates by one percent. Read more by Michelle Murdock in the Hopkinton Independent June 29 Issue.