Community Preservation Committee is now accepting Draft Project Funding Applications

The Hopkinton Community Preservation Committee is now accepting Draft Project Funding Applications for Fiscal Year 2021. Please submit your application no later than Friday August 9, 2019
Projects allowable under the CPA include the creation and preservation of open space, the preservation of historic sites, the creation and preservation of affordable housing and the creation and preservation of outdoor recreational facilities. Please call (508) 497-9745 or email Shannon Soares at if you have any questions or would like an electronic application sent to you.
Some of the past CPC Project Funded have included:
- Historical Preservation for the preservation of land records and digitizing historical photographs
- Historical Preservation of cemetery headstones
- Dog Park Design & Construction
- Passive/Active Recreation – Lacrosse Wall at Fruit Street, Irrigation System at Pyne Field, Wetlands crossing to access recreational land
- Replacement of Equipment at EMC Playground
In 2001, the citizens of Hopkinton voted to adopt the Community Preservation Act (M.G.L. Chapter 267 of the Acts of 2000) and thereby approved a 2% surcharge to the annual real property tax. Revenue from this surcharge is dedicated for the preservation of open space, historic sites, affordable housing and passive/active outdoor recreation. Local revenue is supplemented through a state Community Preservation Trust Fund (state revenue raised through fees charged at Massachusetts Registries of Deeds). Learn more about the CPA…