Weekly News Update – 02/09/20

Special Election Update: Hopkinton voters OK all 3 debt exclusions, giving go-ahead to three school building projects • Ashland hires economic consultant Elizabeth Stanton to aid in pipeline fight • 2019 Annual Town Meeting Report Card • Hopkinton Picks Nonprofit To Build International Marathon Center • Growth Study Committee Update • Select Board Actions Taken – 02/04/20
Special Election Update: Hopkinton voters OK all 3 debt exclusions, giving go-ahead to three school building projects
The owner of an average priced home in Hopkinton will see a tax increase of about $114 in fiscal year 2021, said Timothy O’Leary, Hopkinton’s Chief Financial Officer.
Voters at Monday’s special election in Hopkinton passed three debt exclusions – totaling to $9.5 million – to improve Hopkinton High School, Elmwood Elementary School and Hopkins Elementary School.
Voters approved all three building projects for the town’s schools at a special Town Meeting in December. The projects were all subject to exempting the money required to pay from them from the limits of Proposition 2 1/2.
View related article and documents
Ashland hires economic consultant Elizabeth Stanton to aid in pipeline fight
Town officials have brought on a senior economist to evaluate Eversource’s plan to replace a 3.7-mile underground gas pipeline that runs through Hopkinton and Ashland.
The Select Board on Wednesday night voted unanimously in support of hiring Elizabeth Stanton and her team at Arlington-based Applied Economics Clinic to give a comprehensive report on the Eversource project – from reviewing the company’s needs assessment to analyzing the viability of alternative energy solutions.
In total, the town will be spending approximately $24,820 for the consultation, according to a proposal submitted by Applied Economics Clinic.
2019 Annual Town Meeting Report Card
Curious to know if the projects voted at last town meeting have been completed yet? Check out the new 2019 Annual Town Meeting Report Card in the town’s Transparency Center
Hopkinton Picks Nonprofit To Build International Marathon Center
Hopkinton’s Select Board announced Tuesday night that the 26.2 Foundation is the winner of the competitive bid process to build and operate an International Marathon Center at 45 East Main Street.
“The 26.2 Foundation submitted a very strong and very detailed proposal that met or exceeded the requirements of the Request for Proposals. The vision of the IMC displays the many benefits to the community and the MetroWest region”, said Town Manager Norman Khumalo.
Growth Study Committee Update
The Growth Study Committee held their second public workshop in January at the Senior Center. The meeting video and slideshow are linked below. One of the committee’s first initiatives is the recommendation that the town create an Economic Development Office under the Town Manager’s Office. The committee will be presenting this idea to the Select Board on Tuesday, February 4 at 7:40 PM.
Click here for detailed information and links
Related Video:
Watch Video of Growth Study Committee’s Proposal ~30 minutes
Select Board Actions Taken – 02/04/20
View Details
View Agenda Packet
Watch Video of Meeting Highlights ~6 minutes
The Select Board affirmed the Town Manager’s appointment of Cailin Chenelle and Erin Bassler as Senior Library Assistants after discussing their resume credentials and previous positions held. (5-0) - 6:45 PM CONSENT AGENDA
- The Select Board approved the Minutes of the Jan. 21, 2020 meeting. (5-0)
- The Select Board accepted the resignation of Jim Ciriello from the Trail Coordination and Management Committee. (5-0)
Parade Permit application received from Elizabeth Schuster on behalf of the Michael Lisnow Respite Center, for a bike ride fundraiser to be held on Saturday, September 26, 2020 from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., beginning and ending at Elmwood School. This will be a 28, 50 and 100-mile course ride. No road closures are being requested. Expected number of participants is 150-200
The Select Board approved a Parade Permit for the “Harvest Ride for Respite” on 9/26/20 (5-0) - 7:00 PM POSTED PUBLIC HEARING: RASHMI CORPORATION DBA COUNTRY FARM – SECTION 15
Application under MGL c.138 §15 for the transfer and change of location of an all alcoholic package store from Rashmi Corp. dba Country Farm, for premises at 3 Cedar Street, Hopkinton, MA. The application was to seek approval to transfer the license held by Foster Street Liquors, LLC d/b/a Old Town Liquors to Rashmi Corp. d/b/a/ Country Farm. The application also seeked to change the location of the license from 68-72 Main Street to 3 Cedar Street, Hopkinton, the current location of Country Farm’s business. The proposed manager is Hinaben Patel. Proposed Hours of operation are: Sunday from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.; Monday through Thursday from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. and Friday and Saturday from 7 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. The proposed establishment is 1,800 square feet, on one floor, with one entrance and two exits. On January 30, 2020, applicant amended the requested hours of operation as follows: Sunday 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.; Monday through Thursday 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.; Friday and Saturday 8 a.m. to 11 p.m.- The Select Board approved a Section 15 Package Store transfer of license from Foster Street Liquors d/b/a Old Town Liquors to Rashmi Corp. d/b/a Country Farm and change of location from 68-72 Main St. to 3 Cedar St. (5-0)
- The Select Board approved a Change of Manager for the license, to Hinaben Patel. (4-0)
- The Select Board approved a Pledge of License/Inventory. (4-0)
KEA Technologies proposal to locate a Cannabis testing laboratory at 86 South Street, which required a Host Community Agreement with the Town.
The Select Board authorized the Town Manager to begin the Host Community Agreement negotiation process. (5-0) - 7:30 PM 1854 CYCLING COMPANY
Representatives of the 1854 Cycling Company presented their plan to undertake manufacturing operations at 80 South Street, and their intent to apply for the Massachusetts Economic Development Program (EDIP) and Tax Increment Financing (TIF) agreement in Hopkinton.
The Select Board authorized the Town Manager and Town Counsel to begin TIF negotiations, with the understanding that the concerns expressed at this meeting will be discussed during the negotiations. (4-1) - 7:50 PM FRUIT STREET BRIDGE – MASSDOT
MassDOT design team spoke about the bridge replacement cross section and proposed improvements to Fruit Street for the Select Board’s consideration. MassDOT requested that the Select Board consider submitting a letter to MassDOT supporting the proposed improvements on the Fruit Street approaches as presented and discussed that evening.
The Select Board authorized the Town Manager to submit a letter to MassDOT supporting the proposed improvements to the Fruit Street bridge approaches as presented and discussed at the meeting. (5-0) - 8:45 PM TOWN MANAGER REPORT
- i. Main Street Corridor Project Update
- ii. 45 Main Street – International Marathon Center RFP
- iii. Policy Review – Marijuana Testing Laboratories and Marijuana Research Facilities – Page 3 Process and Host Community Agreement
The Select Board voted to approve of the award of the lease of property located at 45 East Main Street to the 26.2 Foundation, subject to (1) the successful negotiation of a lease between the Town and the 26.2 Foundation, (2) the 26.2 Foundation providing information sufficient to satisfy the Town with regard to the Feasibility Conditions set forth in Exhibit 2 of the Request for Proposals; and (3) Town Meeting approval; and further to authorize the Town Manager to negotiate a lease with the 26.2 Foundation with the assistance of Town Counsel. (5-0)