Openings on Boards & Committees (Updated) – Apply Online

Updated 3/15/22: The following Town boards & committees will have one or more anticipated vacancies. Please see the Town website at for information about the duties of specific boards and committees. Interested residents must apply via the online volunteer form at Town of Hopkinton, MA: Boards. Never served on a Board or Committee before? Take a look at Hopkinton’s Board/Committee Orientation Handbook to get a better idea of what to expect.
Please note that all current board and committee members interested in reappointment MUST apply online via the link above. Appointments would be made at an upcoming meeting of the relevant appointing authority. For questions, please contact Elaine Lazarus at 508-497-9701 or
Cultural Council
Current Vacancies: 1
Committee Size: 13 members
Term Length: 3 years • Term Limit: 2
Meeting Schedule: Typically once a month as determined by the members.
Description: Originally established as the Hopkinton Arts Lottery Council, under legislation enacted in 1979, this statute was replaced, in 1992, by M.G.L. Ch. 10, sec. 52-58. The purpose, under both statutes, has been to administer the distribution of funds provided by State Lottery, for a variety of cultural purposes. The Council may also conduct other activities to promote and encourage the arts. A recent Cultural Council project is the Diversity Mural at EMC. Website • Facebook
Veterans Celebration Committee
Current Vacancies: 2
Committee Size: 8 members
Term Length: 3 years
Meeting Schedule: Typically once a month on a Tuesday
Description: This Committee was established to remember and honor our fallen Vets with an Annual Memorial Day Remembrance Celebration and to honor our local veterans with an annual Veteran’s Day dinner. Read more about the Veterans Celebration Committee.
Board of Appeals
Current Vacancies: 1 Associate Member
Committee Size: 9 Members (5 Regularly Voting Members and 4 Associate Members)
Term Length: 5 years (Note: the current vacancy is to fill an unexpired term, so is not a full 5-year term)
Meeting Schedule: Typically the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month
Description: The Board of Appeals is a quasi-judicial administrative board that hears and decides zoning related matters pursuant to MGL c. 40A, and applications for Comprehensive Permits pursuant to MGL c. 40B (Affordable Housing Developments). Duties of Board members include hearing and deciding relief for applications for special permits, petitions for variances, and for various types of appeals related to zoning matters in accordance with authority granted under MGL c. 40A s. 14. Application of sound and equitable judgment and a willingness to learn and be guided by the state Zoning Act, Hopkinton’s Zoning By-Laws, and judicial decisions are important qualifications for work on the Board.
Read more about the Board of Appeals.
Youth Commission
Current Vacancies: 1 MS Representative
Committee Size: 7 voting members, 1 HS Student Representative, 1 MS Student Representative
Term Length: 3 years (Note: the current vacancy is to fill an unexpired term, so is not a full 3-year term)
Meeting Schedule: Typically once a month as determined by the members
Description: The Hopkinton Youth Commission is charged with identifying the emerging and ongoing needs of Hopkinton’s youth and families. The Commission is responsible for creating community-wide opportunities that support long term well-being of all youth. Programs and activities supported by the Youth Commission shall promote an overall benefit to all youth and families. The Hopkinton Youth Commission should be creative, resourceful and seek collaboration with a range of partners to improve the wellbeing of all Hopkinton Youth. Read more about the Youth Commission.
Hopkinton Historic District Commission
Current Vacancies: 1 (must be a resident or property owner of the district, view list of the 25 properties in the district)
Committee Size: 7 members
Term Length: 3 years
Meeting Schedule: Typically once a month on the second Thursday
Description: Historic Districts in Massachusetts have three major purposes, as stated in Ch. 40C of Massachusetts General Law: 1.) To preserve and protect the distinctive characteristics of buildings and places significant to the history of the Commonwealth and its cities and towns; 2.) To maintain and improve the settings of those buildings and places; 3.) To encourage new designs compatible with existing buildings in the district. Read more about the Historic District Commission.
Woodville Historic District Commission
Current Vacancies: 1
Committee Size: 7 members
Term Length: 3 years
Meeting Schedule: Typically once a month on a Monday
Description: The Woodville Historic District was created by Town Meeting in May of 2005 to preserve and protect the unique heritage of the Village of Woodville. Read more about the Woodville Historic District.
Affordable Housing Trust Fund Board
Current Vacancies: 1
Committee Size: 5 members
Term Length: 2 years
Meeting Schedule: Typically once a month as determined by the members
Description: The purpose of the Hopkinton Affordable Housing Trust is to provide for the creation and preservation of affordable housing in Hopkinton for the benefit of low-and moderate-income households. See also Hopkinton Bylaws Chapter 5, Article VII. Read more about the Affordable Housing Trust Fund.
Board of Registrars of Voters
Current Vacancies: 1 (Nominee of the Republican Town Committee)
Committee Size: 4 members
Term Length: 3 years
Meeting Schedule: Typically less than once a month (meets near election time)
Description: The Board of Registrars ensures that all elections conducted by the Town are fair and transparent. The chief duty of the Board of Registrars is to register voters. Registrars are obliged to sign the certification of signatures on petitions and nomination papers. Registrars are also instrumental in conducting recounts and holding hearings on election related challenges.
Zoning Advisory Committee
Current Vacancies: 3 associate members
Committee Size: 9 full members (and up to 5 associate members)
Term Length: 2 years
Meeting Schedule: Twice a month on Mondays
Description: Its purpose is to review and develop proposals for zoning bylaw and zoning map amendments, and make recommendations to the Planning Board. Read more about the Zoning Advisory Committee.