Zoning Articles for Town Meeting

The Planning Board of the Town of Hopkinton held a public hearing on Monday, January 31, 2022 at 7:00 P.M., on proposed amendments to the Zoning Bylaws. The subject matter of the proposed changes is below. This hearing was held pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 53 of the Acts of 2020, as amended. For additional details, please email John Gelcich, Principal Planner, at jgelcich@hopkintonma.gov, call the Department of Land Use, Planning and Permitting at 508-497-9745. Read the public legal notice. Watch the meeting on YouTube, the discussion begins at 42 minutes into the meeting.
The following proposed article will have a public hearing at a later date:
- To amend Article VIII, Section 210-28, Size and Setback Requirements, as follows: (4) Maximum gross floor area: 50% to 80% of lot area. – this last proposed article will have a public hearing at a later date, after it is reviewed by the Zoning Advisory Committee (ZAC). Some information about this article is discussed about about minute 23 of the 1/31/22 meeting.