Weekly News Update – 07/17/2022
![Weekly News Update – 07/17/2022](https://ehop.org/wp/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/BannerJul17-2022.jpg)
Main Street Corridor Project Update • Town posts official notice of Aug. 18 Special Town Meeting • Select Board roundup: Main Street might see night work; Special Town Meeting Aug. 18 • New police officer hires approved by Select Board, but opposition to COVID vaccine raises concern • Housing Authority & Other Board Vacancies • National Suicide Prevention Number 988 • Outdoor Water Ban • Upper Charles Trail Committee • Roadwork Notice • Mosquito Spraying Notice
Main Street Corridor Project Update
What to Expect for the Week of July 18, 2022 to July 22, 2022 West Side of Project
- Start the second of three layers of pavement from the western project limit to the Fire Station
- Continue the service connections between the Fire Station and the 85/135 intersection
- Complete traffic signal at Wood Street intersection with Main Street
- Reset frame and covers from manholes, water boxes, and catch basins between Wood St. and Fire Station
- Line stripe the new pavement between Wood Street and the Fire Station
- Strip and grade sidewalks between Wood Street and the Fire Station
East Side of Project
- Continue ductbanks for Verizon moving west to the 135/85 intersection (Pleasant St. to Maple St. to Hayden Rowe detour required)
- Start Comcast ductbanks at 85/135 intersection and move east towards Church Street (Pleasant St. to Maple St. to Hayden Rowe detour required)
- Start service connections between the 85/135 intersection and Church Street
- Complete historic walls at 15, 17, 25 and 35 Main Street
85/135 Intersection
- Ductbank work (Pleasant St. to Maple St. to Hayden Rowe detour required)
- Widen the west side of Cedar St. and Grove St. at the intersection for initial sidewalk relocation
- Relocate the fire hydrant at the corner of 85/135
- Backfill concrete retaining wall at CVS
Read more details about the Main Street Corridor Project
Live video feeds of traffic conditions
Town posts official notice of Aug. 18 Special Town Meeting
As reported Tuesday night, the Select Board has called a Special Town Meeting for Thursday, Aug. 18, to vote on the request for additional funding for the Marathon School addition.
View the eHop Special Town Meeting Page
Select Board roundup: Main Street might see night work; Special Town Meeting Aug. 18
Main Street Corridor Project
The board initially did not show support for night work out of concern for downtown residents’ sleep disruptions, but Daltorio said the area being considered would be at the 135/85 intersection, which is surrounded by businesses, and shouldn’t be nearly as loud as previous overnight work. The board eventually voted 4-1 (with Shahidul Mannan in opposition) to approve Daltorio entering into exploratory talks with the contractor about ways to move the work forward more quickly, including the possibility of limited night work in commercial areas.
Special Town Meeting set for Aug. 18
The board unanimously supported the calling of a Special Town Meeting for Aug. 18 in order to vote on a request for $850,000 in additional funding for the Marathon School addition. The warrant is to be open until July 27 and then signed by the Select Board at its Aug. 2 meeting.
Town Meeting survey results shared
Josh Grosetti, the town’s IT director, shared results from the recent Annual Town Meeting survey. Grosetti said there were 434 submissions, which he noted is a high response number. Of the respondents, 77 percent did not attend any night of Town Meeting. From that group, 67 percent indicated COVID did not affect their decision. The top reasons they did not attend were the length of the meeting (which ran over three nights), the meeting time, the meeting day/date and child care issues.
PFAS numbers improve
Director of Public Works Director John Westerling shared that the most recent readings for PFAS in the town’s water supply came in just below 20 parts per trillion, the number at which the state requires a mitigation plan. Perrault honored for service Cheryl Perrault was recognized for her service to the community as she prepares to move out of state. Perrault, an author and teacher, hosted programs on HCAM including “Meet Your Neighbor,” “Wake Up and Smell the Poetry” and “True Storytelling.” She also led and participated in community events focused on justice and peace.
Randall joins HYFS staff
Sarah Randall was introduced as the new social worker/program coordinator for Hopkinton Youth & Family Services.
New police officer hires approved by Select Board, but opposition to COVID vaccine raises concern
One of the two candidates, Tyler Staback, had worked as a Massachusetts State Trooper since January 2019 until this past April, when he was dishonorably discharged after failing to adhere to the state’s mandate that troopers be vaccinated for COVID-19, he shared.
Police Chief Joseph Bennett said he was comfortable with the decision to present Staback to the board.
“As the department head, we did a thorough background [check],” Bennett said. “And other than that instance, the decision he made, nothing came up. … He presents as a service-oriented person. Nothing raised any red flags on social media that that belief [to pass on the vaccine] was tied to anything other than the belief that he didn’t want to get it. We do not have a vaccine mandate in town. And we have employees that are unvaccinated. And we don’t ask.
In the end, the Select Board vote was three in favor of the hiring, with LaFreniere and Irfan Nasrullah abstaining.
Housing Authority Vacancy
The Hopkinton Housing Authority currently has one vacancy, and the Town is seeking candidates for the position. The appointment will be until the May, 2023 annual town election. Interested residents must apply via the online volunteer form.
Read about other Board & Committee Vacancies.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline number – 988
Police Chief Joseph Bennett, Fire Chief William Miller and Hopkinton Youth & Family Services Director Dawn Alcott wish to share information regarding the new National Suicide Prevention Lifeline number, 988, which took effect on Saturday, July 16.
Outdoor Water Ban
Please be advised that due to the continued drought conditions, dramatic increase in water use, low tank levels and a continued forecast for hot and dry weather, the town is declaring an outdoor water ban on municipal water use. A meeting yesterday of the states drought task force also declared our area level 3, critical drought. It is imperative that everyone turn off all outdoor sprinkler systems immediately and cease all other non-essential use. It is absolutely vital that everyone comply to ensure proper storage levels for everyday use and fire protection. Thank you for your cooperation in this very important matter. Please see the DPW water department webpage for further details.
Upper Charles Trail Committee
Upper Charles Trail Committee debates MassTrails design grant for Marathon School area.
Roadwork Notice
Crews will be removing & plating structures in preparation for road resurfacing work on the following streets starting on Monday July 25 – Thursday July 28. Dates may change due to weather conditions:
- West Main St – South St to just after the Price Chopper entrance.
- South St – West Main St to 710’ south of West Main St.
- South St – #176 to the Milford town line.
- Westcott Dr – Pond St to 760’ South of Pond St (the old section).
- West Elm St – Barbara Rd to the dead end.
Mosquito Spraying
The Central Massachusetts Mosquito Control Project (CMMCP) announced that personnel will be in Hopkinton to spray for mosquitoes on August 2, 3, 9, 10, 16, 17, 23, 24, 30 and 31.