Weekly News Update – 09/04/22

Specimen Ballots for State Primary Election – Sept. 9/6 • Parks & Rec roundup: Fruit Street turf project complete • Planning Board roundup: State loosens rules on MBTA community housing • Multi-Family Zoning Requirement for MBTA Communities • Short-term rentals raise concern for some residents • Water main break could lead to discoloration • Main Street Corridor Project Update • Labor Day: Public Notice
Specimen Ballots for State Primary Election – Sept. 9/6
On Tuesday, September 6, polls open at 7 AM and “end of line” will be established at 8 PM for the polls to close. All Hopkinton voters vote at the Middle School Gym (88 Hayden Rowe).
If you are enrolled in a party you must vote with that party’s ballot. Unenrolled (Independent) voters may choose which ballot they wish to vote on, but they must choose. Choosing a party at a Primary does not change your enrollment as a voter.
Republican Party Specimen Ballot
Democratic Party Specimen Ballot
Parks & Rec roundup: Fruit Street turf project complete
Fruit Street turf project complete
The Fruit Street fields turf replacement project is officially completed. “This is the best news of the day, as far as I’m concerned,” said Parks & Recreation Director Jay Guelfi. “The town charged us with replacing that field. They gave us $1.7 million to do it. They wanted it done before soccer season started, and it’s done. And it’s under budget. If you’ve been there and seen it, it’s awesome.
CPC-funded projects discussed
The commission discussed potential projects to propose to the Community Preservation Committee (CPC) this fall.
Sandy Beach Ad Hoc Committee has plans
Commissioner Cynthia Esthimer shared recommendations from the Sandy Beach Ad Hoc Committee regarding improvements to be made for next year’s summer season.
Planning Board roundup: State loosens rules on MBTA community housing
State loosens rules on MBTA community housing
The Planning Board at its meeting Monday night learned about an update to a state law designed to create multifamily housing opportunities in communities served by the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority that the town will need to consider if it wants to be eligible to receive three sources of state funding.
Multi-Family Zoning Requirement for MBTA Communities
83 East Main Street proposal continued
The one continued hearing scheduled for the evening regarding the open space mixed use development (OSMUD) proposed at last month’s meeting for 83 East Main Street had to be continued until Sept.19. Only four voting members were present when the hearing was called. While an actual quorum of five members was present, member Jane Moran had recused herself from voting on the project.
Planning Board roundup: Plans discussed for historic home at 83 East Main
Short-term rentals raise concern for some residents
Hopkinton is revisiting the possibility of regulating short-term rentals after residents of Pike Street voiced concerns to the Zoning Advisory Committee about a property being rented out and used for weekend parties.
“If short-term rentals were to be regulated under zoning, then all rentals would also have to fall under zoning,” Gelcich said. “And then at that point, I don’t even know how you would do that.”
The crux of the debate was what is considered to be a property’s use, he continued. The business aspect of a rental and the way in which a property is used would make it more of a licensing issue.
Water main break could lead to discoloration
Hopkinton Water and Sewer Department Manager Eric Carty cautioned residents that there could be some discoloration in town water over the next several days due to a water main break.
Main Street Corridor Project Update
What to Expect for the Week of September 5, 2022, to September 9, 2022 No Work on Monday, September 5th – Labor Day Holiday
- Continue the service connections project-wide
East Side of Project
- Continue Comcast Ductbank work on East Main Street.
West Side of Project
- Install new granite curb along Main Street working eastbound from West Main Street to the Fire Station
- Continue to Grade and Compact sidewalks between Wood Street and the Fire Station
- Continue forming Concrete Sidewalks from Wood Street towards the Fire Station
- Concrete sidewalk walk will also take place at the end of driveways; affected property owners will be notified in advance as driveway access will be impacted; Emergency vehicles access will be maintained
- Pleasant Street and Elm Street detours to be utilized as needed
Read more details about the Main Street Corridor Project
Labor Day: Public Notice
Hopkinton Town Hall, Public Library, and Municipal Offices will be closed on Monday September 5th in observance of Labor Day.