Article 2: Non-Partisan Town Election Ballots and Elimination of Local Party Caucuses

Sponsor: Citizen’s Petition (Ed Harrow & John Cardillo)
Article Text:
To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Select Board, on behalf of the Town, to petition the General Court for passage of a special law substantially as provided below, to authorize the Legislature to make clerical or editorial changes in form only to the bill, unless the Select Board approves amendments to the bill before enactment by the Legislature, and to authorize the Select Board to approve amendments that shall be within the scope of the general public objectives of this petition.
An act relative to Town elections in the Town of Hopkinton
Section 1. Notwithstanding chapter 53 of the General Laws, or any other general or special law to the contrary, a primary or caucus for the nomination of town officers shall not be held in the Town of Hopkinton. Ballots used at a regular or special town election for the election of town officers shall not have printed thereon a party or political designation or mark, and there shall not be any political designation or mark appended to the name of a candidate for town office.
Section 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage.
Votes Needed: a Simple Majority at Town Meeting and a Special Act of the Legislature
Presentation Document
More info:
- Why does Hopkinton have Partisan Town Elections? (Ask eHop)
- “Momentum builds for Special Town Meeting article to abolish party designation on Town Election ballots” (Hopkinton Independent)
The Hopkinton Select Board has called a Special Town Meeting to be held at 7:00 PM on Monday, November 13, 2023 in the Hopkinton Middle School Auditorium, 88 Hayden Rowe St, Hopkinton MA 01748.
If you have a disability and require a reasonable accommodation to attend a public meeting or event, please complete this form or contact the Town Manager’s office at 508-497-9701 at least 3 business days prior to the event.
Childcare: The HPTO will be offering childcare in the Hopkinton Middle School Library. It is encouraged to pre-register to make check-in that night faster: Pre-register for Childcare.
Read the Special Town Meeting Warrant 2023-11-13 (PDF)
Read the Appropriation Committee Report with Recommendations for STM (PDF)
Read the Final Warrant Articles and Motions Document_2023-11-13 (PDF)
- Article 1: Elmwood School Replacement Project (Elementary School Building Committee 2)
- Article 2: Non-Partisan Town Election Ballots and Elimination of Local Party Caucuses (Citizens Petition)
- Article 3: Adopt the Municipal Opt-in Specialized Stretch Energy Code (Sustainable Green Committee)
- Article 4: Municipal Parking (Select Board)

New for 2023
Hopkinton will be piloting electronic voting with handheld clickers for this town meeting. Voters will receive a clicker (as well as a paper voting pass) when they check in at Town Meeting. This system made by Meridia is used by many other New England towns to improve accuracy and efficiency. Read more from the Town Clerk Hopkinton Special Town Meeting Voting Goes Electronic.