Weekly Roundup – 09/01/2019

Planning Board Actions taken on 8/26/19 • Ashland officials challenge Eversource pipe plan • State lifts cease-and-desist order against Greyhound Friends • Policy to Mitigate the Risk from Mosquito-Borne Illness • Three Hopkinton police officers get OK to retire for on-duty injuries; decision pending state approval • 2019-08-28 Family Day 2019 Press Release • Petition for Hearing-Revocation of Kennel License, Greyhound Friends • There is an algae outbreak in the Hopkinton Reservior. Public health officials say don’t have contact with the water in Hopkinton State Park • Hopkinton school officials grapple with building needs as student population grows
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Planning Board Actions taken on 8/26/19
Agenda items and actions taken include:
Continued Public Hearings – The Trails at Legacy Farms – 1) Amendment to Approved Site Plan and, 2) Amendment to Master Plan Special Permit – Heritage Properties.
Amendments to the approved Site Plan and Special Permit to address changes necessitated by the approval of Article 37 at 2019 Annual Town Meeting.
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Ashland officials challenge Eversource pipe plan
ASHLAND – The Select Board has gone to court to fight Eversource’s plan to replace a portion of a 1950s gas pipeline that runs through Hopkinton and Ashland.
Working on behalf of the town, Brian Winter of Newburyport-based Mead, Talerman and Costa, LLC, served a Land Court summons and complaint to Eversource last week, calling on the court to restrict the company to just one gas pipeline within a 3.7-mile easement that runs through both towns.
State lifts cease-and-desist order against Greyhound Friends
Embattled kennel Greyhound Friends is no longer under a state cease-and-desist order put in place two years ago.
“Greyhound Friends needs to get back to fulfilling our mission,” Kennel and Operations Manager Theresa Shepard said, in an emailed statement. “There is continued need for sighthound adoption and advocacy.”
The 167 Saddle Hill Road business will, however, be the subject of a Select Board public hearing next month, on a resident-driven petition to revoke the kennel’s recently-reissued license. The hearing will take place at 7:45 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 10, at Town Hall, 18 Main St.
Policy to Mitigate the Risk from Mosquito-Borne Illness
The Hopkinton Board of Health, at its meeting of August 28, 2019, adopts the following policy, effective immediately: Policy to Mitigate the Risk from Mosquito-Borne Illness.
Three Hopkinton police officers get OK to retire for on-duty injuries; decision pending state approval
The county retirement board has approved Police Chief Edward Lee’s application for two officers who have been on injured on-duty leave for two years — and not working during that time — to retire on accidental disability.
A third police officer who filed her own application has also been approved for retirement.
2019-08-28 Family Day 2019 Press Release
The Friends of Hopkinton voted at its meeting on Tuesday, August 28, 2019, to change the time of the Saturday, September 14, 2019 Family Day event to 2 PM to 6 PM. The Fireworks show has been cancelled, “this is in response to the EEE outbreak…”
Petition for Hearing-Revocation of Kennel License, Greyhound Friends
In accordance with the requirements of Chapter 62, Article V, Kennel Licensing, of the General Bylaws, the Select Board will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, September 10, 2019 at 7:45 PM in Room 215/216 of the Town Hall to consider a request by petition for the Select Board to revoke a kennel license issued to Greyhound Friends, 167 Saddle Hill Road. The kennel license was issued by the Town Clerk on August 12, 2019.
There is an algae outbreak in the Hopkinton Reservior. Public health officials say don’t have contact with the water in Hopkinton State Park.
The Department of Conservation and Recreation is warning the public of a cyanobacteria bloom present in the Upper Hopkinton Reservoir, including at the waterbody’s beach area, in Hopkinton State Park in the Town of Hopkinton.
During a bloom it is strongly advised that the public should not have contact with the water, according to a statement from the DCR.
Hopkinton school officials grapple with building needs as student population grows
For the second year in a row, public schools in town face a significant increase in student enrollment at the start of school. As of last week, the schools’ pre-kindergarten through 12th grade enrollment was 3,881 — an increase of 201 since October 2018.
Superintendent Carol Cavanaugh said the number of additional students is about double what the district expected, based on projections by the New School Development Council (NESDEC). The district’s $48 million budget is designed around having about 100 additional students.
Downtown Revitalization potentially bringing new business at 28 Main Street
Downtown Revitalization is one of the topics of most interest to residents (per our survey, so far), so we wanted to share that at 28 Main Street we spied some barbers chairs and a “King’s Corner” sandwich Board.…Stay tuned!