Select Board Actions Taken 07/21/2020

Agenda Items & Actions Taken:
The Select Board approved the Consent Agenda, with a revision to the 7/2/2020 Minutes. (5-0) - ANNUAL APPOINTMENTS
The Select Board appointed the following: (5-0)
○ Ted Barker-Hook to the Conservation Commission, term expiring 6/30/2023
○ Michelle Heeney to the Cultural Council, term expiring 7/21/2023
○ Michelle Murdock to the HCAM Board of Directors, term expiring 6/30/2023
○ Robert Levenson, Robert McGuire and Dorothy Ferriter-Wallace to the Marathon Committee (at-large), terms expiring 6/30/2023
○ Amy Groves, Christine Coffman, Renee Dean, Meena Kaushik, Paul Gallager and Peggy Barton to the Sustainable Green Committee, terms expiring 6/30/2023.
○ Mike Whalen to the Veterans Celebration Committee, term expiring 6/30/2023
○ Paul Larter to the Woodville Historic District Commission, term expiring 6/30/2023
○ Andrea Krammes to the Youth Commission, term expiring 6/30/2023
The Select Board appointed John Coutinho to the Board of Appeals (full member), term expiring 6/30/2025) (3-2)
● The Select Board appointed Jerry Tuite to the Board of Appeals (associate member), term expiring 6/30/2025) (4-0-1)
● The Select Board appointed Amy Ritterbusch and Beth Watson to the Hopkinton Historic District Commission, terms expiring 6/30/2023. (4-0-1)
● The Select Board appointed Charles Dauchy and Margaret Wiggin to the Trail Coordination and Management Committee, terms expiring 6/30/2022. (5-0)
● The Select Board appointed Miyares & Harrington, LLP (J. Raymond Miyares) as Town Counsel, term expiring 6/30/2021. (5-0)
● The Select Board appointed Mirick O’Connell (Nicholas Anastasopoulos) as Labor Counsel, term expiring 6/30/2021. (5-0)
● The Select Board confirmed the following Town Manager appointments, terms expiring 6/30/2021: (5-0)
Inspector of Animals – Elizabeth Jefferis
Animal Control Officer – William Proctor
Plumbing & Gas Inspector – Charles Dabritz
Assistant Plumbing & Gas Inspector – Peter Zereski
Assistant Plumbing & Gas Inspector – Dan Hunt
Wiring Inspector – James Melnick Jr.
Person to cut wire in case of fire – James Melnick Jr.
Assistant Wiring Inspector – Kevin Bouret
Mutual Aid Building Inspector – Michael Crisafulli
Sealer of Weights and Measures – Louis Sakin
Public Weigher – John Palmer
Public Weigher – Jaynne Adams
Public Weigher – Jessica Palmer
Public Weigher – Jaime Wright
Public Weigher – Chelsea Adams
Public Weigher – William Robinson
Public Weigher – Will Crofton - FY 21 GOALS, FIRE CHIEF
The Select Board set FY 21 goals for Stephen Slaman, Fire Chief. (5-0)
The Select Board approved the utility pole relocation as detailed on the petition and plan submitted. (5-0) - CALL TO ACTION
At the Select Board meeting on 7/2/20, Ilana Casady formally requested the following
Call to Action:- The Select Board give a formal statement in support of Black Lives Matter, in keeping with our town preamble that states in part, “The Town of Hopkinton welcomes residents of all races, ethnicities, religions, abilities, gender identifications, and sexual orientations; the Town of Hopkinton, further, is committed to providing a climate of safety and acceptance to all residents. The Town of Hopkinton will actively address and resist acts of discrimination, bullying, or intimidation.”
- The Select Board, Town Manager, HR Director, and the Personnel Committee institute antiracist hiring practices, diversity and sensitivity training in all departments, and set goals to hire to increase diverse representation.
- The Select Board review the town of Hopkinton’s allocation of funds to our public service employees including but not limited to police officers, mental health specialists, and social workers in order to reallocate funds to decrease police responsibility and increase alternative social services in town.
- The Hopkinton Chief of Police give a formal statement on the state of Hopkinton’s police department and how they are making changes within the department to address intrinsic racial bias.
The Select Board authorized a parking management program for Sandy Beach which may include the following components: (i) limit parking to residents only; (ii) issuance of parking stickers to town residents; (iii) installation of appropriate signage; and (iv) instituting a $150 penalty for violating the residents-only parking sticker rule; and to authorize the Town Manager to work with the Parks & Recreation Commission and Parks & Recreation Department to implement the program. (5-0) - MAIN STREET CORRIDOR PROJECT – UTILITY POLE RELOCATION
The Select Board waived its Regulations for Pole and Wire Location Petitions for the purposes of pole relocation for the Main Street Corridor Project. (5-0) - HOST COMMUNITY AGREEMENT – MARIJUANA TESTING LABORATORY, 100 SOUTH STREET – ATOZ LABORATORIES, INC.
The Select Board approved the Host Community Agreement with ATOZ Laboratories, Inc. for a marijuana testing facility at 100 South Street. (5-0) - FY 2020 AND FY 2021 BUDGET UPDATES, AND MODIFY ONE-TWELFTH FY 2021 BUDGET FOR AUGUST AND SEPTEMBER, 2020
The Select Board authorized monthly expenditures for August, 2020 in the following amounts: (5-0)
Municipal Expenditures (non-School) $5,965,898
School Expenditures $1,874,959
Enterprise Funds $433,216
The Select Board authorized monthly expenditures for September, 2020 in the following amounts: (5-0)
Municipal Expenditures (non-School) $3,410,260
School Expenditures $4,648,503
Enterprise Funds $344,146 - TOWN MANAGER REPORT
- a. Main Street Corridor Project Update.
- b. RFP East Main St. Lease to 26.2 Foundation
The Select Board approved of the award of the lease of an additional 9.6 acres of property located at 45 East Main Street to the 26.2 Foundation, subject to (1) the successful negotiation of a lease between the Town and the 26.2 Foundation, and (2) Town Meeting approval; and further to authorize the Town Manager to negotiate a lease with the 26.2 Foundation, which shall incorporate all 19 acres of property located at 45 East Main Street with the assistance of Town counsel. (4-0)
The Board will consider liaison assignments and appointments for FY 2021. - FUTURE BOARD AGENDA ITEMS
Correspondence to the Select Board:
- Planning Board Resignation, Amy Ritterbusch
- 2020 Housing Choice Designation Letter
Materials for this Meeting:
- Agenda and Meeting Packet
- YouTube Video – 2 hours 33 minutes
Related News Articles:
- Read “Select Board roundup: Health Department director pushes residents to stay vigilant” on the Hopkinton Independent’s website.
- Read “Select Board discusses social justice/diversity issues” on the Hopkinton Independent’s website.