Tag: Board of Appeals (ZBA)

Weekly News Update – 08/6/2023

Weekly News Update – 08/6/2023

Budget process, school proposal addressed by School Committee ā€¢Ā Open Space Preservation Commission talks about boundaries ā€¢Ā Main Street Corridor Project update: Grading of bike path continues ā€¢Ā Board of Appeals: East Main property again denied permit for receptions; Winter Street resident OKā€™d to sell bikes ā€¢Ā Momentum builds 

Openings on Boards & Committees – Apply Online

Openings on Boards & Committees – Apply Online

Updated 2/28/23: The following Town boards & committees will have one or more anticipated vacancies.Ā  Please see the Town website atĀ www.hopkintonma.govĀ for information about the duties of specific boards and committees.Ā Ā Interested residents must apply via the online volunteer form atĀ Town of Hopkinton, MA: Boards. Never served 

Weekly News Roundup – 07/18/2021

Weekly News Roundup – 07/18/2021

Main Street Corridor Project – Weekly Update ā€¢ Hazardous waste collection July 31 at DPW facility ā€¢ Board of Appeals grants extension to Frankland Road office building owner to work on vehicles ā€¢ ConCom chastises housing development projects for not following guidelines, causing water issues 

Select Board Actions Taken 06/15/21

Select Board Actions Taken 06/15/21

Agenda Items & Actions Taken: 6:00 PM CALL TO ORDER 1. EXECUTIVE SESSION i. Pursuant to M.G.L. c.30A, s.21(a) purpose 3, to discuss litigation strategy concerning Department of Public Utilities docket number 20-80, because discussing the same in an open session would have a detrimental 

Openings on Boards & Committees – Apply Online

Openings on Boards & Committees – Apply Online

The following Town boards & committees will have one or more vacancies on June 30, 2021 or sooner.Ā  Please see the Town website at www.hopkintonma.gov for information about the duties of specific boards and committees.Ā  Interested residents must apply via the online volunteer form at 

Select Board Actions Taken 07/21/2020

Select Board Actions Taken 07/21/2020

Agenda Items & Actions Taken: CALL TO ORDER, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PUBLIC FORUM COVID-19 UPDATE CONSENT AGENDA The Select Board approved the Consent Agenda, with a revision to the 7/2/2020 Minutes. (5-0) ANNUAL APPOINTMENTS The Select Board appointed the following: (5-0) ā—‹ Ted Barker-Hook to 

Openings on Boards & Committees – Apply Online

Openings on Boards & Committees – Apply Online

The following Town boards & committees have one or more vacancies. Please see the Town website at hopkintonma.gov for information about the duties of specific boards and committees. Interested residents must apply via the online volunteer form at hopkintonma.gov/hug. Please note that all current board 

Weekly RoundUp – 11/10/19

Weekly RoundUp – 11/10/19

Special Town Meeting Set for December 9 ā€¢ New Tax Relief Program for Seniors Implemented ā€¢ New Firefighters Hired Thanks to a FEMA Grant ā€¢ Planning Board Actions Taken 10/24/19 ā€¢ Accessory Family Living Unit at The Trails ā€¢ Town of Hopkinton AAA Bond Rating 

Openings on Town Boards & Committees – Apply Online

Openings on Town Boards & Committees – Apply Online

The following Boards & Committees will have vacancies on June 30, 2019 or sooner. Interested residents should apply via the online volunteer form at http://hopkintonma.iqm2.com/Citizens/Board/Vacantā€‹. Please note thatā€‹ all currentā€‹ committee members interested in reappointmentā€‹ MUSTā€‹ apply on-line.Ā The Select Board will make appointments at an 

Board of Appeals – Did You Know?

Board of Appeals – Did You Know?

The Board of Appeals is a quasi-judicial administrative board that hears and decides zoning related matters pursuant to MGL c. 40A, and applications for Comprehensive Permits pursuant to MGL c. 40B (Affordable Housing Developments). The Board of Appeals generally schedules public hearings on the second