Weekly News Update – 06/25/2023

Trails Committee discusses charge, communication with Select Board • Upper Charles Trail Committee Public Survey • Select Board roundup: Water rates to rise 17.5% while sewer rates will fall by 5% • Main Street parking project completed, spots officially available • Main Street Corridor project update
Trails Committee discusses charge, communication with Select Board
The Trail Coordination and Management Committee met with Select Board members Wednesday night to discuss its charter and goals for the Upper Charles Trail in an effort to improve communication about a situation that has generated some controversy over the past several months.
Moran speaks of UCTC action on Segment 1, questions TCMC about its progress
UCTC chair Jane Moran spoke as a private citizen during the public comment period about the committee’s recent work on Segment 1 to engage residents. The segment is proposed to go from Hopkinton State Park to East Main Street. Town Meeting approved the use of Community Preservation Committee funding for pre-engineering studies, she explained. Notices were hand-delivered to Legacy Farms North.
Upper Charles Trail Building Committee discussed
LaGoy proposed having an Upper Charles Trail Building Committee instead of the UCTC.
“The issue of having multiple trails committees in town has been problematic for folks,” he said. “Having one trails committee and then a building committee would be one way to address this issue.”
TCMC charge reviewed
The TCMC’s charge was discussed by TCMC and Select Board members. Ritterbusch and Select Board chair Muriel Kramer attended the 90-minute meeting in person, while members Irfan Nasrullah and vice chair Shahidul Mannan participated virtually.
Upper Charles Trail Committee Public Survey
At the Town of Hopkinton’s 2023 Annual Town Meeting, Article 47 was presented through a citizen’s petition. Article 47 asked if the Town of Hopkinton would abolish the existing Committee, the full text of Article 47 can be found here. Article 47 passed by a large margin (158 Yes / 61 No).
Because the UCTC was created by the Select Board, only the Select Board may dissolve the Committee or take any action relative to the Committee. However, the Select Board is cognizant of the Town Meeting vote and the message it sent. This survey is being presented to give the Select Board public input for the desires of the town residents relative to the Committee.
Select Board roundup: Water rates to rise 17.5% while sewer rates will fall by 5%
The Select Board during its nearly four-hour hybrid meeting Tuesday night approved a 17.5% water rate increase, which will be somewhat offset by a 5% sewer rate decrease, by a 4-0 vote.
Police chief requests approval for interim deputy chief
Police Chief Joseph Bennett appeared before the board to provide an update on the department’s projects and request that the town approve an interim deputy chief. No vote was taken at this meeting.
Interim Fire Chief Daugherty provides update
Interim Fire Chief Gary Daugherty updated the board on the department’s work. He explained that 61% of calls the department received during the past year are for medical responses. The busiest time of the day tends to from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., with Friday being the busiest day.
New Parks & Rec commissioner named
The Select Board met jointly with the Parks & Recreation Commission to appoint a new commissioner. After reviewing three candidates, the board voted for Seth Kenney to fill the vacancy that was created when Cynthia Esthimer moved out of state before her term was to expire in 2025. He lives on Lake Maspenock and has two children who utilize Parks & Rec programming.
Main Street parking project completed, spots officially available
“It is a pleasure to announce that the Main Street public parking project has come to a successful conclusion,” said Town Manager Norman Khumalo. “It is our hope that with the addition of these public parking spaces, we can welcome more people to visit Hopkinton and support our local businesses.”
Main Street Corridor project update
What to Expect for the Week of June 26th to June 30th, 2023
East Side of Project
- Installation of conduit and bases for site lighting from the Muffin House to Ash Street (work will take place in the excavated sidewalk area)
- Installation of the granite curb from the Muffin House to Ash Street
- Grading and forming sidewalks (but not pouring) from the Muffin House to Ash Street
West Side of Project
- Placing asphalt on the back end of driveways. Vehicles will be able to enter/exit with minimal disruption.
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