eHop Updates

Reminder: Spotlight on Fields Wednesday at 7:00 PM

Reminder: Spotlight on Fields Wednesday at 7:00 PM

As Hopkinton looks to invest in new school turf fields, continues work on a pavilion at the Fruit Street Athletic Complex, and discusses options to improve field security, residents are invited to attend an eHop public forum titled eHop’s Spotlight on Town Fields on Wednesday, November 8, 

Hopkinton School Enrollment Surpasses Projections Again

Hopkinton School Enrollment Surpasses Projections Again

Hopkinton Public Schools total PK-12 enrollment stands at 3,521 as of October 1, 2017, which is an increase of 56 students over last year and surpasses the most recent projection by 25 students. Last year NESDEC projections showed that enrollment would not be this high 

Spotlight on Town Fields 11/8

Spotlight on Town Fields 11/8

As Hopkinton looks to invest in new school turf fields, continues work on a pavilion at the Fruit Street Athletic Complex, and discusses options to improve field security, residents are invited to attend an eHop public forum titled eHop’s Spotlight on Town Fields on Wednesday, 

Hopkinton Athletic Fields Public Forum 10/18

Hopkinton Athletic Fields Public Forum 10/18

The Hopkinton School Committee and Athletic Field Sub-Committee will host a public forum on Wednesday, October 18, 2017 at 7:00pm in the Middle School Library. The public is encouraged to attend to hear a presentation regarding potential turf fields at the High School/Middle School complex. 

Zoning Advisory Committee Public Forum 10/18

Zoning Advisory Committee Public Forum 10/18

Have an idea to improve zoning? As part of the countdown to Town Meeting 2018, this is your chance to give input on potential changes to Hopkinton’s zoning bylaws. The Planning Board received a record number of applications to be on the Zoning Advisory Committee 

Downtown Corridor Project Update

Downtown Corridor Project Update

On September 27, the town held a public forum at the Senior Center to update the public on the Downtown Corridor Project. This Forum was intended to present a summary of the Downtown Project and to inform the public on the proposed changes the Project will 

New Water Advisory Issued & Water Tower Construction Progress

New Water Advisory Issued & Water Tower Construction Progress

The Hopkinton Water Department issued a new advisory to residents on October 6. Please be advised that after a “Normal” Spring, which brought regular rainfall, our area has once again seen abnormally low rainfall and recharge since late July. Levels at the Hopkinton reservoir continue 

Yogurt Beach Fundraiser – 8/28 & 8/29

Yogurt Beach Fundraiser – 8/28 & 8/29

Savor the last days of summer and enjoy some Frozen Yogurt with all your favorite toppings! Mention eHop at Yogurt Beach anytime on August 28 or 29 and 30% of your purchase will go to support eHop’s mission to foster civic engagement. Monday, August 28 

Elm Street Gas Gate Station

Elm Street Gas Gate Station

At their April 25, 2017 meeting the Board of Selectmen received an update from Eversource on the proposed gas gate station at Elm Street, which would be located next to the Apple Tree Hill Road condos and near the Elmwood Elementary School.  The permit for 

HPS School Council Openings – Deadline to Apply is 8/20

HPS School Council Openings – Deadline to Apply is 8/20

Now that the summer is underway, it is great time to think about how you can support your child and make a difference in your child’s education and your community next year! Below are the School Council opportunities for the school year 2017-18. Duties include: 

Input Needed: Downtown Improvements to Main Street Forum

Input Needed: Downtown Improvements to Main Street Forum

Please click here to take the following 1-question survey to let the town know when you would most likely be able to attend a Public Forum regarding the Downtown Improvements to Main Street (Route 135) Project.  The Town of Hopkinton would like to best schedule this forum at 

Town Hall Relocated to 80 South St

Town Hall Relocated to 80 South St

On April 11, the Hopkinton Town Hall suffered extensive damage when a water line ruptured on the third floor that resulted in devastating damage to areas of all the building’s four floors. However, town services were up and running within 16 hours in four separate temporary