Weekly News Update – 06/07/2020

Covid-19 Updates and Precautions • Hopkinton High seniors participate in rolling rally around town to celebrate Class of 2020 • Legislature OK’s bill allowing changes to town meeting, election and budget processes • Police Chief Bennett: HPD stands against ‘all injustice’ • Trail organizers take different paths on town plan • Planning Board votes to send solar overlay map to Town Meeting • Hopkinton Family Day canceled for 2020 • Select Board roundup: Health director works on camp openings; outdoor dining to be expanded • Select Board Actions Taken 06/02/2020 • Planning Board Actions Taken 06/01/2020
Covid-19 Updates and Precautions
This page provides information, maps and resources about the coronavirus response in our local area.
Visit Hopkinton, MA – Coronavirus Response Hub
As of 6/1/20, Hopkinton’s Health Department is reporting 119 total confirmed COVID-19 cases; 10 of those cases are active, with 96 recoveries and 13 deaths. You can see historical tracking and updates on Hopkinton’s Community Impact Dashboard
The most recent update from June 5th includes:
- Hopkinton Temporary Outdoor Dining Rules and Regulations
- Parks & Recreation Summer Programming
The update from June 3rd includes:
- Massachusetts Department of Public Health COVID-19 weekly Public Health Report
- DPW Recycling Center Reopens
- Water Department
- District Attorney Marian Ryan to hold talk on Loneliness and Scams
- Hopkinton Youth and Family Services and Mommying is Hard collaborate to bring moms (and all
parents) a webinar to help with these uncertain times. - Remninder: Annual Town Election rescheduled to be held on June 29, 2020
Area farmers markets will open with a different look this year amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic
Some restaurants need outdoor seating to survive financially during the coronavirus pandemic
Caps, gowns & convertibles: Hopkinton High seniors participate in rolling rally around town to celebrate Class of 2020
Curtis Terry was one of nearly 300 Hopkinton High School seniors who participated in a rolling rally on Saturday afternoon as droves of people sat outside on public sidewalks and private lawns to celebrate the Class of 2020.
Legislature OK’s bill allowing changes to town meeting, election and budget processes
Gov. Charlie Baker has indicated support for the bill (H. 4777), and could sign it as early as today. The bill includes an emergency preamble so that it can take effect immediately.
The various provisions in the bill are temporary for the duration of the coronavirus state of emergency and are not permanent changes to state law.
The final bill includes authority for remote participation for representative town meetings and quorum reductions available for town meetings in all towns. There is no limitation on matters that may come before town meeting when the quorum is reduced, which had been a sticking point earlier in the development of the bill.
Police Chief Bennett: HPD stands against ‘all injustice’
Joseph Bennett, who recently was promoted to chief of the Hopkinton Police Department, released a statement Thursday on the racial unrest and protests that have occurred across the nation.
“Yesterday, I was extremely humbled to pick up my Oath of Office from the Town Clerk. This oath serves as the bedrock of how the members of the Hopkinton Police Department serve our community. The appalling murder of George Floyd by Derek Chauvin, J. Alexander Kueng, Thomas Lane and Tou Thao disgusts and angers all of us. I want everyone to know that we stand with all of our community in solidarity against that injustice and all injustice.”
Trail organizers take different paths on town plan
Hopkinton has an ambitious goal to have a trail system that runs through town, picking up from the Upper Charles Trail in Milford and connecting to a proposed trail in Ashland.
A number of people have been hard at work to accomplish this task, and while they are united in pushing to see the trail system grow, a rift has developed regarding the makeup of the new trails.
One group says any new trails that go through wooded areas should be packed stone dust, the kind used on the Center Trail and Echo Trail. The other side says a paved route — like the Milford trail — is the better option.
Planning Board votes to send solar overlay map to Town Meeting
At its Monday night meeting the Planning Board voted on a Commercial Solar Photovoltaic Overlay District map that it plans to send to Town Meeting voters, acting to limit commercial solar in residential areas and where deforestation is necessary. The map is limited to land along Interstate 495, the E.L. Harvey property at the border with Westborough, and three parcels that already have solar arrays installed on them.
The board voted 7-1 to accept the map and submit it to the town clerk, with Jane Moran voting no. Frank D’Urso was absent.
Hopkinton Family Day canceled for 2020
The Friends of Hopkinton announced Monday that Hopkinton Family Day, which was scheduled for Sept. 19, has been canceled. It’s the latest local event to be called off due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
“In the past this community event has brought many groups together,” said Ann Click, one of the organizers. “At this time of uncertainly we feel it is best to be safe and to cancel the event. We look forward to hosting the 2021 Hopkinton Family Day.”
Select Board roundup: Health director works on camp openings; outdoor dining to be expanded
McAuliffe said his department has been helping with the reopening process, which has been “daunting.”
“I think our biggest challenge moving forward is with the reopening plans that have been developed for all of the businesses, the offices, but now especially the camps, the school programs, Parks and Rec and the schools is a requirement to provide daily screening, monitoring and record keeping.”
In an effort to help Hopkinton restaurants as they return to on-site dining, Town Manager Norman Khumalo asked the board to approve a plan to allow for additional outdoor seating, using parking lots, driveways and even sidewalks. This would allow restaurants to serve more customers while maintaining social distancing.
Select Board Actions Taken 06/02/2020
i. MINUTES – The Select Board will consider approving the Minutes of the 5/19/20 meeting.
ii. RESIGNATION – The Select Board will consider accepting the resignation of Margaret Shaw from the Board of Appeals.
Supporting Exhibits: Margaret Shaw resignation letter
The Select Board approved the Consent Agenda. (5-0)
View Agenda Packet – Page 6
View Video ~1 minute
6. The Select Board will consider accepting a donation of $119,438.00, the third and final donation towards the cost of the Public Library renovation and addition project, from Laura Barry on behalf of the Hopkinton Public Library Foundation. Said donation will be applied to the FY 21 Library project debt service.
Supporting Exhibits: Letter from Hopkinton Public Library Foundation donating $119,438
The Select Board accepted the $119,438 donation from the Hopkinton Public Library Foundation. (5-0)
View Agenda Packet – Page 7-8
View Video ~7 minutes
8. The Select Board will consider FY 2020 and 2021 budget and annual town meeting updates. The Select Board will review and take any necessary action relative to a CARES Act funding application. The Select Board will consider setting the date for the Annual Town Meeting in September, 2020. The Select Board will consider signing the June 29, 2020 Annual Town Election Warrant.
Supporting Exhibits: June 29, 2020 Annual Town Election Warrant
The Select Board approved the Annual Town Election Warrant, with poll hours 7 AM – 8 PM. (5-0)
The Select Board authorized the Town Manager to initiate requests for CARES Act reimbursement. (5-0)
View Agenda Packet – Page 20-21
View Video ~52 minutes
9. a. The Select Board will consider the needs and options available to assist Hopkinton restaurants with exterior seating arrangements necessary to reopen for service to customers on-site. Options could include use of parking lots for seating and streamlined permitting.
Supporting Exhibit: Draft Temporary Outdoor Dining Rules and Regulations
The Select Board adopted the Temporary Outdoor Dining Rules and Regulations as revised. (5-0)
View Agenda Packet – Page 22
View Video ~15 minutes
a. Temporary Closure of Town Hall driveway to support outdoor sitting
b. Main Street Corridor Project Update.
Supporting Exhibits: Town Manager Report
The Select Board authorized the Town Manager to work with the Town Engineer, DPW Director, Assistant Town Manager, local restaurants and property owners to allow the use of the Town Hall driveway for outdoor dining if desired, resulting in temporary closure of the driveway. (4-0-1)
View Agenda Packet – Page 23
View Video ~5 minutes
Planning Board Actions Taken 06/01/2020
1. Administrative Items (Files online at: 06-01-20 Meeting Administrative Files )
1.2. Minutes of April 23, 2020; – Approved
Proposed Town Meeting Zoning Articles
Article XXVII, Signs, Section 210-179 – Recommended by the Planning Board – will go to Town Meeting where a 2/3rds vote is needed.
Article XXXI, Commercial Solar Overlay District – Recommended by the Planning Board – will go to Town Meeting where a 2/3rds vote is needed. The Planning Board removed several parcels from the proposed solar overlay district map including: 71 Frankland Rd, Cedar & Wilson St, Off Teresa Rd (Chirco/Danahy), 0 Wood St, 66/66B Fruit St
Article XIII, Garden Apartments in Residential Districts, Section 210-74.B.(11) and Article XIIIA, Village Housing in Residential Districts, Section 210-75.3.B.(11) – Rubbish Disposal –Not Recommended by the Planning Board, but this is a Citizens’ Petition, so it will still go to Town Meeting where a 2/3rds vote is needed.
- Agenda, Memo and Administrative Items
- YouTube Video – 2 hours 12 minutes