Weekly News Update – 11/21/2021

Main Street Corridor Project – Weekly Update • With many children able to get COVID vaccine, these Massachusetts communities have the most 5-11-year-olds already vaccinated; Search for your community • Hopkinton Town Hall Pfizer 5-11 Clinic • Upper Charles Trail Committee Meeting Live on HCAM December 8th • School Committee gets start on FY23 budget with department requests • Eversource passes Dell EMC as top taxpayer in town • ConCom roundup: Ash Street developer called out for vegetation disturbance • DPW director: Town continues to seek solutions to problem of contaminants in water supply • Planning Board approves Turkey Ridge subdivision plan • Openings on several Hopkinton Boards & Committees (Update) • Did You Know – Hopkinton Public Library’s Board of Trustees • Did You Know – Town Moderator • SELECT BOARD ROUND UP AND ACTIONS TAKEN 11/16/21
Main Street Corridor Project – Weekly Update
What to Expect for the Week of November 22, 2021
- Installation of Duct banks
- Start at EMH “BB” to EMH “AA”
- Work on Monday 11/22 will occur between Mayhew and Summer St. (near 90, 88 and 86 Main)
- Work on Tuesday 11/23 will occur between Mayhew and Summer St. (near 88, 86 and 84 Main)
- Mayhew Street will be closed on 11/22 and 11/23 from Main Street to Mt. Auburn St.
- Access to the Senior Center will be via Mt. Auburn or Summer Street.
- Mayhew Street will reopen on Wednesday 11/24 and Main Street will be cleaned up and secured for the Thanksgiving holiday.
- MassDOT Survey Crews to continue to locate limits of easements within the corridor
- Delivery of Electric Materials
RELATED: Live Construction Video Feeds are available for the Main Street Corridor Project, check where crews are working and traffic / weather conditions before you leave your home or office.
With many children able to get COVID vaccine, these Massachusetts communities have the most 5-11-year-olds already vaccinated; Search for your community
No community has inoculated young kids better than Arlington, where 77% of 5- to 11-year-olds have already received one dose. Both Southborough and Hopkinton also have given more than two-thirds of their 5- 11-year-olds the first shot. In total, 14 communities have vaccinated half of kids in that age range.
Hopkinton Town Hall Pfizer 5-11 Clinic
Who: All Children ages 5-11.
When: Friday ~ November 19, 2021 ~ 3:00pm-6:00pm
Town Hall Basement, Nurse’s Office
18 Main Street, Hopkinton, MA 01748
To sign up for the vaccine, please use the link below.
Once your child receives their first dose, the COLOR platform will prompt you to book the second appointment that will be offered on Tuesday, 7 December 2021. Details will follow.
Upper Charles Trail Committee Meeting Live on HCAM December 8th
The Hopkinton Upper Charles Trail Committee will hold a Public Meeting to update and inform Hopkinton residents on the current status of the overall trail project, which is an 8-mile trail through Hopkinton extending from Milford to Ashland. Following a presentation by our Committee Chair and VHB Engineering Consultants, participants will be invited to ask questions.
This event will air live on HCAM-TV (Verizon channel 30, Xfinity channel 8) and on http://Youtube.com/hcamtv
School Committee gets start on FY23 budget with department requests
The School Committee at its Thursday night meeting heard budget requests for Fiscal Year 2023, including the requests to accommodate the increasing need for services for students with disabilities.
Karen Zaleski, the director of student services and child find coordinator, presented her Preliminary FY23 student services dudget of $13,805,089. It reflected an increase of 14 percent from the FY22 budget of $12,112,720, which includes an increase in salaries of $598,345 and total expenses of $1,094,024.
Eversource passes Dell EMC as top taxpayer in town
During the town’s tax classification hearing Tuesday, the Select Board voted to make no changes to the methods the town uses to assign tax rates, and the board was informed that there is a new No. 1 taxpayer in town.
“New growth has been computed to deliver — and this was a big news item for us — $3.4 million in new tax revenue in the new year,” explained Tim O’Leary, the town’s chief financial officer. “That’s much higher than we had budgeted and planned for. And it’s entirely driven by Eversource at Wilson Street and the renewal [of the LNG plant].
ConCom roundup: Ash Street developer called out for vegetation disturbance
At its meeting Tuesday night, the Conservation Commission heard one case regarding unauthorized vegetation disturbance at a single-family home construction site at 178 Ash Street.
In 2018, the commission approved the project, which is situated in a buffer zone on a 5,830-square-foot lot. An extension had been granted this summer, according to Conservation Administrator Kim Ciaramicoli. She said that recently some vegetation had been removed at the site without a pre-construction meeting being held.
Other Topics:
HALT requests pedestrian footbridge
Commission to continue to meet remotely
Multiple cases continued
Varrell retires from Lucas Engineering
DPW director: Town continues to seek solutions to problem of contaminants in water supply
Hopkinton is working on short-term and long-term solutions to address the issue with the town’s water supply following tests that showed higher-than-allowed levels of contaminants, Department of Public Works Director John Westerling told the Select Board at its Tuesday meeting.
Westerling explained that on Nov. 9 the town received notice from the state of non-compliance, as three months of tests showed Hopkinton’s water tested at over 20 parts per trillion for PFAs (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances).
Planning Board approves Turkey Ridge subdivision plan
The Planning Board approved the definitive subdivision plan for Turkey Ridge Estates during its meeting Monday night after the developer shared some changes and the board added some conditions. The proposed eight-lot definitive subdivision, originally known as Deer Ridge Estates, is to be located off Cedar Street Extension and Lincoln Street.
hopkintonindependent.com/planning-board-approves-turkey-ridge-subdivision-planChanges presented by the developer included adjustments to the emergency road and stormwater management plan as well as a sign warning drivers of the new road that is to be constructed on the northern side of Cedar Street Extension. The project also includes an extension of Lincoln Street, which is on the border with Southborough.
Openings on several Hopkinton Boards & Committees
Updated 11/17/21: The following Town boards & committees will have one or more anticipated vacancies. Please see the Town website at www.hopkintonma.gov for information about the duties of specific boards and committees. Interested residents must apply via the online volunteer form at Town of Hopkinton, MA: Boards. Never served on a Board or Committee before? Take a look at Hopkinton’s Board/Committee Orientation Handbook to get a better idea of what to expect.
Did You Know – Hopkinton Public Library’s Board of Trustees
The Hopkinton Public Library’s Board of Trustees is a five-member elected board responsible for overseeing the library for the benefit of the community. Working closely with the library director, members are responsible for establishing library policies and plans, determining the final budget and conducting public relations. Members are elected for a three-year term.
Did You Know – Town Moderator
The Town Moderator is the presiding officer of the Town Meeting, regulates its proceedings and performs such other duties as may be provided by general law, by Charter, by bylaw or by other Town Meeting vote. The Town Moderator is elected for a term of three (3) years.
Select Board roundup: Children flock to get COVID vaccines; Main Street work extended
Hopkinton Health Director Shaun McAuliffe, speaking to the Select Board on Tuesday night, said local children have been turning out in big numbers for their COVID-19 vaccines.
McAuliffe told the board that his department had vaccinated 49 children just before he joined the meeting.
Main Street work continues
In his Main Street Corridor Project update, Town Manager Norman Khumalo said contractor A.F. Amorello was given an extension to continue work late into the fall season.
Board can appoint town moderator
Khumalo confirmed that the Select Board is allowed to appoint a temporary town moderator, after Tom Garabedian submitted his resignation earlier this month. The board also can appoint individuals to replace resigned members of the Cemetery Commission and Board of Library Trustees.