Town Election 2017 – Uncontested Races
Uncontested Offices on the May 15 Ballot
Board of Assessors, 3 Years, 1 Seat
- Lya Batlle-Rafferty, Democrat
Board of Assessors, 1 Year, 1 Seat
- Lesley Ficarri, Democrat
Board of Health, 3 Years, 1 Seat
- Elizabeth Whittemore, Democrat
Board of Health, 1 Year, 1 Seat
- Michael King, Democrat
Board of Library Trustees, 1 Year, 1 Seat
- Jessica King, Democrat
Cemetery Commissioners, 3 Years, 1 Seat
- Claire Wright, Republican (incumbent)
Commissioners of Trust Funds, 3 Years, 1 Seat
- Muriel Kramer, Democrat
Constable, 3 Years, 1 Seat
- Ed Millis, Democrat
Constable, 1 Year, 1 Seat
- Francis J. D’Urso, Jr., Democrat
Hopkinton Housing Authority, 5 Years, 1 Seat
- Rebeka Hoffman, Democrat
Planning Board, 3 Years, 1 Seat
- Kelly Karp, Democrat
School Committee, 3 Years, 2 Seats
- Jennifer Devlin, Democrat
- Meenakshi Bharath, Unenrolled